Create Tailwind CSS React components like styled components with class names on multiple lines and conditional class rendering
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Customizing style not working
#99 opened by rhkdgns95 - 3
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TypeError: l is not an function
#102 opened by SpencerIsTheKey - 2
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Is it possible to use keyframes with this?
#101 opened by fotoflo - 1
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Polymorphic with svg?
#98 opened by mhpaler - 10
An issue occurs when I customize font-size.
#82 opened by Wisesaturn - 0
order of classes in extended components?
#96 opened by dhiegohenrique - 1
css snippet support
#95 opened by MrOxMasTer - 1
- 2
can't format code by prettier
#90 opened by SteveSuv - 3
Support composition with any component, not just the ones created with `tw`
#94 opened by jahirfiquitiva - 8
What's the difference between this and Twin.macro? What are the pros and cons of using each?
#65 opened by lumenwrites - 1
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Dark mode not working!
#86 opened by pol-dev-shinroo - 1
can we get intellisense for our tw components
#93 opened by sijirama - 0
classRegex in vscode settings.json triggers cssConflict warning inside switch case statements.
#87 opened by Moon-Sangho - 2
TypeError: default is not a function
#83 opened by alexjidras - 0
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Polymorphic Component: "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite"
#79 opened by aplr - 2
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Auto format on save
#62 opened by olavblj - 2
import_tailwind_styled_components.default.* is not a function when "type": "module"
#78 opened by aplr - 0
[Q] React-native support?
#85 opened by monarcode - 1
TypeScript Error..
#81 opened by morshedulmunna - 2
Enhancement: export twMerge
#69 opened by alexjidras - 0
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Using arbitrary values
#58 opened by vladikopl01 - 1
Any support for Tailwind JIT
#64 opened by Stancobridge - 4
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Component type error
#55 opened by YeungKC - 1
Error assigning variable
#76 opened by victorsilvacode - 0
$as prop clears merge inheritance
#61 opened by randallmlough - 1
Types Error
#75 opened by Pedromdsn - 0
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Add CSS to tailwind styled component
#68 opened by aidan-rypens - 1
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Will this work with frameworks like daisy-ui?
#60 opened by vedantroy - 1
[Help] Is there anyway config neovim suggestion
#66 opened by dinhmai74 - 2
Loss of parent component className
#56 opened by YeungKC - 5
Using props does not work
#52 opened by azzlack - 2
Will this work with purge css?
#57 opened by vedantroy - 3
Adapting based on props
#59 opened by fernandame - 3
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withComponent function not supported
#53 opened by sabres207 - 4
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Tailwind Intellisense bug
#49 opened by idChef