
thought and things about docker-machine on apple MacOS High Sierra

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  • thought and things about docker-machine on apple MacOS High Sierra

create docker-machine with default value on virtualbox

> docker-machine create <name of machine>
> docker-machine create vbox-test
  • should use standard installed virtualbox
  • used standard setting of docker-machine

create docker-machine force on virtualbox

> docker-machine create --driver=virtualbox virtualbox-test

create a stronger docker-machine

docker-machine create --driver  virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count=4 --virtualbox-memory=4096 --virtualbox-disk-size=10000  box-strong

list all docker machine

> docker-machine ls

show/set/unset env for (local) docker-cli

  • show env variable for docker-machine
> docker-machine env <name of machine>
> docker-machine env vbox-test
  • set env variable for docker-machine
> eval $(docker-machine env <name of machine>)
> eval $(docker-machine env vbox-test)
  • unset env variable for docker-machine
> eval $(docker-machine env -u)
  • after this command should you reach your local docker daemon

  • for another docker machine load this present env setting

> eval $(docker-machine env another-docker-machine)

display which machine is active under control from your local docker cli

> docker-machine active
  • very useful for script
  • e.g. see the ssh kez login script

login in docker-machine

> docker-machine ssh <name of machine>
> docker-machine ssh vbox-test


  • login via ssh direct
> ssh docker@$(docker-machine ip <name of machine>)
> ssh docker@$(docker-machine ip vbox-test)
  • the default password is tcuser


  • login via ssh with the kez

  • all credits goes to robert

cat > ./${script_name} << 'EOL'
if !  docker-machine active; then
 echo "No active machine";
 echo "Set first with docker-machine env <name of machine>" ;
exit 1
docker_machine_name=$(docker-machine active)
docker_ssh_user=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHUser}})
docker_ssh_key=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHKeyPath}})
docker_ssh_port=$(docker-machine inspect $docker_machine_name --format={{.Driver.SSHPort}})
ssh -i $docker_ssh_key -p $docker_ssh_port $docker_ssh_user@localhost
chmod +x ./${script_name}

@TODO Add accept kez without extra confirm

stop docker-machine

> docker-machine stop <name of vm>
> docker-machine start vbox-test

start docker-machine

> docker-machine start <name of vm>
> docker-machine start vbox-test

kill docker-machine

  • kill only if the machine are not response of docker-machine stop or you can not login via docker-machine ssh
  • for debug seethe output of the virtualbox GUI to
> docker-machine kill <name of vm>
> docker-machine kill vbox-test

ip of current docker-machine

> docker-machine ip <name of machine>
> docker-machine ip default vbox-test

deploy container inside docker-machine

> docker run --detach --publish <port local:port remote> <name of images>
> docker run -d -p 8000:80 nginx
  • check local status of docker-machine from local prompt via ssh login

connect service from container e.g. nginx

> curl $(docker-machine ip <name of machine>):<published port>
> curl $(docker-machine ip vbox-test):8000

remove docker-machine

> docker-machine rm <name of machine>
> docker-machine rm vbox-test