
Generate mobile assets in Sketch

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Based on pixi-stix/sketch-mobile-assets

This plugin for Bohemian Coding's Sketch app will generate iOS and Android assets for slices on your current page. Assets are automatically created at mdpi/hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi/xxxhdpi for Android and @1x/@2x/@3x for iOS, then named and organized according to platform conventions.

NOTE: This new version of the Plugin works with Sketch 39 (3.9)


  • Download the package and you will get this file sketch-mobile-assets.sketchplugin. copy it into your Sketch plugins folder
  • You can find your plugins folder by going to 'Plugins' > 'Reveal plugins folder'

To use:

  • Create & name slices for each of your assets
  • Run Plugins > sketch-mobile-assets
  • Choose a destination folder
  • Magic!