
Seedbox with docker-compose

Primary LanguagePython


Full docker no bash file.

A docker-compose files to deploy complete Seedbox based only Docker.


Install (5 simple steps)

Short (1 command)

  1. Copy dist env file
    git clone https://github.com/MathieM/seedbox-compose.git && \
    cp .env.dist .env && \
    cp .default_config .share/config && \
    docker-compose up -d

Detailed (5 simple steps)

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Copy dist env file
    cp .env.dist .env
  3. Edit .env file if needed.
    For example to change domain
  4. Copy default config if you want.
    Replace {CONFIG DIR} like set in .env file
       cp .default_config {CONFIG DIR}
  5. Launch containers
    docker-compose up -d

Tested on

  • Debian 8.X
  • MacOS 10.X
  • Ubuntu 16.X
  • CentOS


Q : Why you don't use bash file to simplify install ?
A : Because bash file add complexity and does not works properly on all system.