
This is the new website to read manga online !

Primary LanguageC#



This is the new website to read manga online !

This project has been created during my ASP courses. It also called the Mangathèque.

Get Started

Be sure to have installed database tools before starting.

After that you could build the project :

dotnet build

And update the databse :

dotnet ef database update

Run the following command :

dotnet run

'nd Have fun !

dotnet commands

Generate a new migrations

dotnet ef migrations add [name]

Update schema with new migrations

dotnet ef database update

Delete schema

dotnet ef database drop

Project featues

Flash Message

It's possible to use flash message.

Simply add these into an function's controller before returning an view :

@TempData["queryType"] = "true"; // True will display an success message, False an warning
@TempData["queryMessage"] = "My content :)";


The website is available here ! ❤️