
My internship project at CENTRE DES MATÉRIAUX of MINES ParisTech PSL University.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Conda environment

Use anaconda/conda3.7.

Clone the environ the file reqs/condaor reqs/conda-env-hist.yml`.

Then add this package locally to your envcondant: conda develop . ( with the terminal in the root of the project).

[todo] test the env reproduction and add comm lines here.



  • tomo2seg: useful functions, variables, and classes that I use in my notebooks or scripts.

  • nbs: jupyter notebooks

  • reqs: requirements of the project

Have fun (:


Key specs about the GPUS that I used.

NVIDIA Quadro P4000 (x2)

  • gpu model: GP104GL [Quadro P4000]
  • cuda version: 10.1.168
  • driver version: 450.57