This is the front end application for the web console of the new Infinispan Server 10.x
This application is built using Patternfly 4 and React
npm install yarn -g # ensure you have yarn on your machine globally
git clone # clone the project
cd infinispan-console # navigate into the project directory
yarn # install infinispan-console dependencies
yarn build # build the project
yarn start # start the development server
Install development/build dependencies
Start the development server
yarn start
Run a production build
yarn build
Run the test suite
yarn test
Run the linter
yarn lint
Run the code formatter
yarn format
Launch a tool to inspect the bundle size
yarn bundle-profile:analyze
- For accessibility compliance, we use react-axe
- To keep our bundle size in check, we use webpack-bundle-analyzer
- To keep our code formatting in check, we use prettier
- To keep our code logic and test coverage in check, we use jest