Citation network prediction

Rules of the competition :

"Edges have been deleted at random from a citation network. Your mission is to accurately reconstruct the initial network using graph-theoretical, textual, and other information.

In this competition, we define a citation network as a graph where nodes are research papers and there is an edge between two nodes if one of the two papers cite the other."

Best score obtained : 0.97506

Description of the files :

data : repository with the material provided for the competition data_npy : repository that contains the bumpy arrays used for the best submission predictions : cdv files of the two best predictions we made : file which creates and saves the features and label in numpy arrays : file which computes the prediction from the numpy arrays saved by

If you want to test our codes you can either :

1 - First run "" to create the training and testing features from the original data in "data". Then, run "" which makes a prediction with the features saved by creation_features.npy in data_npy. "" writes the file predictions.csv)

2 - You can run directly "" with the numpy arrays we provided in data_npy