My Fav Quotes The goal of the test is to develop “My Fav Quotes” app, an app that lets you display your favorite quotes from ​​. First, create an account on the website, and add a few favorite quotes to your account. Then, create an empty project, initialize a git repository in it and create a ./ file. Make as many commits as you want. Each commit closing the Step must be “tagged” with “STEP X” where X is the Step number. Push your work in a remote git repository and send us the access link :) 1/ Use FavQs REST API to prompt user to connect to his account and retrieve his info (nickname, picture and count of fav quotes). 2/ List the user’s favorites quotes. Display all the information available for a quote. 3/ Make the list of favorite quotes available offline. Bonus points: ● clear and simple UI/UX (you can use multiple screens) ● a few tests Remarks : ● ● You can use as many external libraries as you want ● Use UIKit (it’s nice if you know SwiftUI, but the project is using UIKit) ● Any architecture is okay, but you must be able to justify why you chose it over another one.