
Notebook for INSA Lyon teams at ACM ICPC 2017. Ideas and sources are mainly from Razvan Stancioiu and the Stanford University ACM team.

Primary LanguagePython


Notebook for INSA Lyon teams at ACM ICPC. Ideas and sources are mainly from Razvan Stancioiu and the Stanford University ACM team.


C++ and Python notebook files are located in the cpp/ and python/ directories, respectively. To add files and sections to a notebook, add it to a subfolder and add it to the corresponding contents.txt file.

contents.txt has the following format :

[Section name]
subfolder/file.cpp  Description of the file      # Optional end-of-line comment

Note that there is a tab between the filename and its description. You shouldn't use tabs anywhere else in this file.

The generator script can add text highlighting for the following file formats : .h, .c, .cc, .cpp, .java, .py

Once the contents.txt file is ready, the notebook can be generated using python generator.py [python|cpp]