
Flutter blog app exercise

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Flutter Blog App


This Flutter project is an implementation of a simple blog app that displays a list of blog posts using the JSONPlaceholder API. The app includes various features, such as viewing posts, searching, adding/deleting posts, and viewing detailed post information along with comments.


Displaying Posts

  • The app displays a list of blog posts with animated insertions ( not implemented ) and deletions.
  • Each post preview includes the author's name and the post title.

Search Functionality

  • Users can search for posts using a search bar, allowing them to filter the list based on keywords.

CRUD Operations

  • Users can add new posts to the list.
  • Users can delete existing posts from the list.

Post Details View

  • Clicking on a post in the list opens a detailed view.
  • The detailed view includes the post title, author's name, user profile picture, post content, an image, and a list of comments.

Additional Features (Bonuses)

  • Commenting: Users can add comments to blog posts. (0%)
  • Animations: Various animations enhance the user interface. (25%)
  • Page Transition Animations: Smooth animations between different screens. (10%)
  • User Profiles: View and edit user profiles. (50%)
  • Unit Testing: Includes unit tests for different components. (0%)

Project Structure

The project follows a clean and organized structure with separation of concerns. Key components include:

  • libs.dart: Centralized import file for easy access to dependencies.
  • models/: Contains the data models for posts, comments, etc.
  • providers/: Manages the state and data providers using Riverpod.
  • widgets/: Reusable UI components.
  • services/: Handles API calls and data fetching using the Api class.
  • pages/: Individual screens for different sections of the app.
  • routes/: The router made with GoRouter

Running the Project

Ensure you have Flutter and Dart installed on your machine. To run the project, use the following commands:

flutter pub get
flutter run