Time Manager

Projet réalisé à Epitech pendant les 3 semaines de piscine. Le but était de réaliser une application permettant aux différents utilisateurs (manger ou employé) de badger leur heures de travail.


-A Makefile is used to reference the commands to be used to start and/or setup the project.

# Command to start the project

start: elixir adminer

	make kill && docker-compose up -d api

	docker-compose up -d adminer

# Command to setup the project

	docker-compose run --rm api mix ecto.create

	docker-compose run --rm api mix ecto.migrate

	docker-compose run --rm api mix deps.get

	docker-compose kill api

Project Setup

-Once the project is cloned we use the command make start to launch the project.

-At the first launch, we useMake deps-get, Make ecto-create and Make ecto-migrate to set up the project.

-If the tables are modified, we use Make ecto-migrate.

API Reference

Get all users

  GET /api/users
Parameter Type Description
api_key string Required. Your API key

Get all clocks

  GET /api/clocks
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of item to fetch

add(num1, num2)

Takes two numbers and returns the sum.
