
Notebook for Data Augmentation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Data augmentation is a technique used to artificially increase the size of a dataset by applying various transformations to the existing data. The goal of data augmentation is to create new, diverse and representative data from the original dataset, to help the model generalize better and improve performance when faced with new, unseen data.

There are several types of data augmentation techniques that can be applied to images, some of them are :

Random rotation: Rotating the images by a random angle.

Random flipping: Flipping the images horizontally or vertically.

Random cropping: Cropping a random section of the image.

Random brightness and contrast: Adjusting the brightness and contrast of the images.

Random zoom: Zooming in or out of the images.

Random noise: Adding random noise to the images.

Random shear: Shearing the images.

Random translation: Translating the images by a random amount.

These operations are typically applied with a probability, or with some parameter such as the degree of rotation, so that the augmented data is similar but not identical to the original data. It's worth noting that some operations may be more appropriate for certain datasets or tasks than others.

It's also important to keep in mind that data augmentation should be used