
An variant of game 2048, this variant added the command undo when press "z".

Primary LanguageEiffel


Eiffel-2048-Undo is an Eiffel implementation of the variant popular game 2048. The implementation is written entirely in Eiffel, using Design by Contract. It is developed in the context of a course of distributed software engineering.

What is 2048?

2048 2048 is a popular web game created by [Gabriele Cirulli] gabriele, where you must combine tiles of the same number repeatedly until you get a tile with the number 2048.


Eiffel-2048-Undo is a student project with the following goals:

  1. Learn and explore the programming language Eiffel.
  2. Learn and use correctly the [Design by Contract] [Design-by-contract] approach.
  3. Learn and work using the following software development processes:
    • [Test Driven Development] [TDD]
    • [Behaviour Driven Development] [BDD]

Technologies Involved

  • EiffelStudio
  • GitHub
  • AngularJS

Repository Content

  • Game Class
  • Test Class
  • Binaries
  • Wiki

Road Map

The core of the game is already implemented. The game is playable right now through the binaries provided in the [alpha release] [alpha-release]. The functionalities currently missing or being implemented are:

  1. User management with saved games.
  2. Client-Server architecture.
  3. Web interface.



  1. This can search in the page https://github.com/Matias-Bernal/eiffel-2048-undo
  2. Clone in desktop or download zip
  3. If select "Clone in desktop", must choose the path where to clone.
  4. If select "Download zip", must decompress in the direction you want

Using the provided binaries

  • Download the binaries provided by the [alpha release] [alpha-release].
  • Execute the downloaded binary.

Using EiffelStudio

  • File -> Open project -> Add project
  • Select the file "eiffel-2048-undo.ecf" (In Action select Compile) and press Open button.
  • When finish the compile process you can run the program using the run button in EiffelStudio (or using the file in the folder EIFGENs\eiffel-2048\W_code).


  • To play the game, press w, a, s, d, z to move the tiles up, left, down, right and undo respectively.
  • In a movement, each pair of colliding tiles with the same number will combine. Continue doing this until you get the 2048 tile or you don't have any move available.
  • This variant allows you to undo all the steps that want to choose another option.
  • You win the game when you get the 2048 tile.
  • You lose the game when you can't move in any direction.
  • To quit, press q (and return) to close the application.

//Aqui va la direccion donde va 2048-Undo// [alpha-release]: https://github.com/Matias-Bernal/eiffel-2048-undo/releases [Design-by-contract]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_by_contract [TDD]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development [BDD]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior-driven_development