Beat Releases Cover

Production Deploy Pipeline

Live Demo

You can access a demo and test the application

Get Started


You need to be using:

Environment Variables

This project works with three .env files on client, server and root. You can copy .env.example and use the default environment settings

Docker Compose

This project is ready to work with docker-compose to initalize the needed stack during development process. To start working, run the following commands

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Run locally

You need Node v16.15.0 and npm v8.5.5 Set versions with nvm

nvm use

Install the required libraries and packages dependencies

npm install

Run the project

## client
npm run dev:clinet

## server
npm run dev:server

Generate / Restore data

For development you can generate and restore data to work. This process removes all the values ​​from the database and generates the initial ones

curl http://localhost:3000/seed 

After generating the data, you will be redirected to login with the default login credentials.


Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.


The MIT License (MIT)