Sentinel Logger (for Nextion displays)

Allows you to use your Nextion display as a serial terminal-style monitor


  • Using HardwareSerial for logging (for Arduino Mega/Due, etc.)
  • Using SoftwareSerial for logging (for Arduino Uno/Nano/Mini, etc.)
  • Using both at the same time.
  • Scroll effect (When overloaded, the page is not cleared, but scrolls down 1 line)

How to use

1. Add Logger.h and Logger.cpp to your project
2. Download Sentinel[v1.0].tft to your display

All Done!


  • Software serial
#include "Logger.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);
Logger softwareLogger(mySerial); // 1. Initialize logger

void setup() {
    softwareLogger.begin(9600); // 2. Begin serial

void loop() {
    if (Serial.available()) {
        String command = Serial.readStringUntil("\n");
        softwareLogger.log(command); // 3. Log
  • Hardware serial
#include "Logger.h"

Logger hardwareLogger(Serial2); // 1. Initialize logger

void setup() {
    hardwareLogger.begin(9600); // 2. Begin serial

void loop() {
    if (Serial.available()) {
        String command = Serial.readStringUntil("\n");
        hardwareLogger.log(command); // 3. Log


There is nothing easier than using them.

/* Somewhere in your code: */

There are 2 basic commands:

  • clear - erase all logs in your session, it doesn't create a new session

  • page <PageID> - go to a specific page:

    • Logger - Terminal Page, creates a new session
    • Main - Lobby, closes an existing session

Skipping Lobby

If you don't have to wait for your board to connect, you can skip this screen, just call skipLobby() in your setup():

void setup() {


I hope my work will save someone time.
If you'll use this stuff in your project, please leave a link to my GitHub in credits.

Project support

I don't have much knowledge in this area, it's just my solution to this problem and it's far from ideal. I believe that you have much more knowledge than I do if you came here, so if you liked the project and you know how it can be improved, then feel free to make your pull request!