Visual Paginator for Nette Framework.
##Installation The best way to install AlesWita/VisualPaginator is using Composer:
$ composer require aleswita/visualpaginator:dev-master
use AlesWita\Components\VisualPaginator;
final class HomePresenter extends BasePresenter
public function renderDefault()
$dataSource = $this->model->dataSource();
$dataSource->applyLimit($this["paginator"]->getItemsPerPage(), $this["paginator"]->getOffset());
$this->template->items = $dataSource;
* @return AlesWita\Components\VisualPaginator
protected function createComponentPaginator(): AlesWita\Components\VisualPaginato {
$vp = new VisualPaginator;
// paginator have 3 predefined templates: TEMPLATE_NORMAL, TEMPLATE_BOOTSTRAP_V3 and TEMPLATE_BOOTSTRAP_V4
return $vp;
{control paginator}
Visitors can select from list, how many items shows. Predefined values for choice are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100:
You can set your choices (remember, keys in array must be numeric):
$vp->setItemsPerPageList([10 => "10", 15 => "15"]);
If you set Nette\Http\Session object, paginator save the value from items per page form to session:
If you have more than one paginators on your page, items per page saved separated by module / presenter / action. For all paginator saved to one property, use second parameter in setSession method:
$vp->setSession($this->session, "paginator");
Session namespace for paginator in default is "Visual-Paginator", for change you can use third parameter in setSession method:
$vp->setSession($this->session, "paginator", "my-namespace");
If you are like using ajax for paginate, don't worry and enabled ajax to true:
And set onPaginate[] callback for redraw your snippets:
$vp->onPaginate[] = function(){
if ($this->isAjax()) {
Paginator have accepted Nette\Localization\ITranslator for translators:
For changing the pre-defined texts:
$vp->setText("send", "paginator.send")
->setText("itemsPerPage", "paginator.itemsPerPage");