Raise The Terrain

An isometric projection of a grid that rotates when pressing Right or Left arrow grid1 grid2 grid3

About this project

Raise The Terrain is a voluntary project at Holberton School taking part of the "Low-level programming & Algorithm" projects.
It is created using the C programming Language and SDL2.

How it works

  • The program reads the file "altitudes".
  • Gets the altitude of each point.
  • Draws an isometric projection of a grid (64 connected points). Each point has its x, y and z coordinates (z = altitude).
  • Rotates the grid to Right or Left, when the user presses on Right or Left arrow.
  • Quits when the user presses ESC key or when clicks on window Quit button.


You can run this program by following these steps:

Step 1: Clone my repository using this command, (you need to have git, gcc and SDL2 installed on your machine first)

git clone https://github.com/MatriMariem/Raise_the_terrain

Step 2: Change directory to Raise_the_terrain:

cd Raise_the_terrain

Step 3: Compile the C files in this way:

gcc *.c -lm $(sdl2-config --cflags --libs) -o terrain

Step 4: Run the program

./terrain altitudes

Exiting the program When you want to exit the program, you can use one of the following methods:

1: Click on window close button


2: Press on ESC key

  • You can change the name of the program by typing it instead of "terrain" in compilation step (Step 3).
  • You can change altitudes of the points of the grid by editing the file "altitudes" but make sure to keep the same number of integers in the file.
  • You can also change the name of the file "altitudes" but make sure to give the new name of the file to your program when you run it "./terrain ".

Files description

  • altitudes -> altitudes of all points in the grid
  • terrain.c -> main function
  • terrain.h -> header file
  • fn_altitudes.c -> all functions related to getting altitudes
    • _atoi -> converts a string to an integer
    • _strdup -> copies a string in a newly allocated memory area
    • splitstring -> creates an array of words from a string
    • freearv -> frees an array of words
    • get_altitudes -> reads the file of altitudes
  • makegrid.c
    • allocategrid -> allocates memory for a (8x8) grid
    • makegrid -> creates a simple grid
    • makerow -> fills the rows of a simple grid
    • makecol -> fills the columns of a simple grid
    • makeiso -> makes a grid become isometric
  • all_grid.c
    • All_isogrid -> creates and draws an isometric grid
    • Drawgrid -> draws a grid on the renderer
    • makerot -> rotates the points of a grid
    • rotategrid -> creates a grid, rotates its points and draws it
  • free.c
    • freegrid -> frees the allocated memory of a (8x8) grid
    • freenumbers -> frees a 2D array (8x8) of integers
    • Destroy_Quit -> destroys the Renderer and the window and Quits


No Known Bugs.


Mariem Matri : LinkedIn | GitHub | Twitter


  • I'm a Food Process Engineer and a software engineering student at Holberton School.
  • I have been studying low-level programming, high-level programming, system engineering and devops, and web stack programming (Front-end & Back-end) using a methodology based on peer-learning and projects.
  • I'm curious, adaptable, a fast learner and I love developing my skills.