Building the package:
nix-build -E '(import ./pkgs.nix).callPackage ./default.nix {}'
Building the releases:
nix-build ./release.nix --attr application
nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker
Install into Nix user profile:
nix-env -f ./release.nix --install --attr application
Install into Docker:
docker load --input "$(nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker)"
http-demo 55555
curl http://localhost:55555/
Or after you have tagged your container image with latest
docker run -it --rm --network=host http-demo:latest 55555
Or with port mapping:
docker run -it --rm -p 55555:55555 http-demo:INSERTYOURTAG 55555
First login to AWS ECR:
aws --profile=matrix ecr get-login-password --region ap-southeast-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
Proceed to build the container image and upload it:
repo="" && \
build="$(nix-build ./release.nix --attr docker)" && \
loaded="$(docker load --input "$build")" && \
name="$(cut -d':' -f2 <<< "$loaded" | tr -d ' ')" && \
tag="$(cut -d':' -f3 <<< "$loaded")" && \
docker tag "${name}:${tag}" "${repo}/http-demo:${tag}" && \
docker tag "${name}:${tag}" "${repo}/http-demo:latest" && \
docker push "${repo}/http-demo:${tag}" && \
docker push "${repo}/http-demo:latest"
Because the container is built with an Entrypoint
, set the Command
to only the parameters.