To create plugin for Acode editor use this template. To use this template create a github repository and add
as template.
Table of Contents
Required Files
plugin.json - contains information about the plugin.
id - plugin should have unique id. E.g.
name - plugin name.
version - plugin version, if changes an update notificaiton will be sent to users.
main - path of plugin's main js file.
icon - plugin icon.
readme - readme file.
files - list of all files that are required by the plugin.
author - author of the plugin
- name - name of the author
- email - email of the author
- github - github username of the author
icon.png - icon for the plugin
Transpile your javascript file using babel so that your plugin can work on older android devices. This template already has all the configuration that is required to tranpile your javascipt file and scss file. You need to run yarn build
command to bundle your code. To build for production run yarn build --mode production
Add your plugin to Acode
To add your plugin, fork this repository, clone it, add your plugin information to list.json
and make a pull request.
To initialize your plugin, use acode.setPluginInit
method. This method requires two arguments.
plugin id
callback funtion, callback function will receive three arguments.
baseUrl, it contains the location of the plugin files. To get plugin files from the device, concat baseUrl and file name. E.G.
baseUrl + 'script.js'
. -
$page, a page that your plugin can use to show output if required.
cacheFile, an Object that contains url and fs for cacheFile
- cachefile, use this write and read from cache file specially for this plugin.
- cacheFileUrl, url of the cache file.
You also need to set an unmount function, this is called when user choose to uninstall the plugin. acode.setPluginUnmount
method can be used to set unmount function. This method requires two arguments.
- plugin id
- callback function
Plugin Development
You can take reference from already available plugins acode-plugin-python, acode-plugin-prettier and acode-plugin-snippets.
Open plugin project in VScode.
Install 'live server' extension. Enable 'https' for live server and start the server
Open Acode and go to
settings > plugins > tap '+' icon in top right corner
. -
Add plugin locaion, e.g.
and click on install.
- Nodejs
- Cordova
- Android Studio
Global APIs
The global variables that you can use them directly in your plugin.
editor: AceAjax.Editor
Ace editor -
addNewFile(filename?:string, options?): void
add a new file in workspace.-
options: Object
Optional object that you can pass.text: string
file content.isUnsaved: boolean
is file unsaved.render: boolean
switch to this string
unique id of tile.uri: string
file uri, location of file.record: Record
deletedFile: boolean
is file deleted.readOnly: boolean
is file readonly.mode: string
SAF (Storage access framework) mode, (TREE | SINGLE).type: string
file type, (regular | git | gist).encoding: string
file encoding.onsave(): void
callback function called when file is saved.
getFile(test: any, type: string)
gets files from opened files.test: any
file id, uri, repo, gist to find the file.type: string
type of test (uri | id | name | git | gist).
switchFile(id: string): void
switch tab to given file id. -
File current file. -
hasUnsavedFiles(): number
get the number of unsaved files. -
files: Array<File>
list of all files. -
setSubText(file: File): void
sets sub text of the header i.e. location of the file. -
container: HTMLDivElement
container of the editor. -
state: string
editor is blured or focused. -
on(event: string, listener(): void): void
adds a listener. -
off(event: string, listener(): void): void
removes a listener. -
emit(event: string, ...args: ...any)
emits an event.-
List of events
exec(command: string, value: any)
setPluginInit(id: string, initfuntion(): void)
setPluginUnmount(id: string, unmountFunction(): void)
registerFormatter(id: string, externsions: Array<string>, format():Promise<void>)
fsOperation(file: string): FsOperation
require(moduleName): Module
Available modules
push(action: Object): void
Pushes a callback function to actionStack. When use tap on physical/virtual back button, the given callback function is triggered.- action
- action
pop(): Action
pops top item from the stack -
remove(id: string):void
removes an item from stack -
length: number
length of the stack -
setMark(): void
sets a marker to current length of stack -
clearfromMark(): void
clears all the items from stack form the marker.
all settings.on(event: string, listener(setting: any): void): void
attaches event string, listener(setting: any): void): void
removes event listener.update(settings: Object, showToast: Boolean): void
update settings.reset(setting: Object): void
reset settings.get(setting: string): Object
gets settings value.
- update:<setting name>
Show toast
Function window.toast(msg: string, milliSecond: number): void
will show a toast message for specified time.
Data storage
stores the url of data directory.
Cache storage
stores the url of cache storage.
Native APIs
To access native features and method of device use these plugins. For example to open a file using SAF
sdCard.openDocumentFile(async (uri) => {
const fs = acode.fsOperation(uri);
const stat = await fs.stat();
const text = await fs.readFile('utf8');
editorManager.addNewFile(, {
render: true,
To get more info api provided by these plugins see there js
files in www
lsDir(): Promise<Array<Entry>>
readFile(encoding: string): Promise<string | ArrayBuffer>
createFile(name: string, content?: string): Promise<string>
writeFile(content: string | ArrayBuffer): Promise<void>
createDirectory(name: string): Promise<string>
delete(): Promise<void>
copyTo(destination: string): Promise<string>
moveTo(destination: string): Promise<string>
renameTo(newName: string): Promise<string>
exists(): Promise<Boolean>
stat(): Promise<Stat>
See for more info.