AndroidRust Gradle Plugin

This plugin helps with building Rust JNI libraries with Cargo for use in Android projects.

Link to the plugin on the gradle repository:


Add dependencies to the root build.gradle.kts file

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {

Add plugin to the module's build.gradle.kts file

plugins {

Add androidRust configuration

androidRust {
    module("rust-library") {
        path = file("src/rust_library")

Additional configurations

This is the list of some additional flags that can be configured:

androidRust {
    // MSRV, plugin will update rust if installed version is lower than requested
    minimumSupportedRustVersion = "1.62.1"
    module("rust-library") {
        // path to your rust library
        path = file("src/rust_library")

        // default rust profile
        profile = "release"

        // default abi targets
        targets = listOf("arm", "arm64")

        // "debug" build type specific configuration
        buildType("debug") {
            // use "dev" profile in rust
            profile = "dev"

        // "release" build type specific configuration
        buildType("release") {
            // run rust tests before build
            runTests = true

            // build all supported abi versions
            targets = listOf("arm", "arm64", "x86", "x86_64")

    // more than one library can be added 
    module("additional-library") {
        // ...

Development support

Plugin will check for a magic property set by Android Studio when running application on device. This will limit ABI targets to only required by the device and should speedup development quite a bit.

In theory this should behave the same as a built-in support for the NdkBuild / CMake.


  • Building multiple rust libraries with ease
  • Allow builds to be configurable for common scenarios


  • Supporting all Gradle versions
  • Allow builds to be configurable for exotic scenarios