
Main EVE C Library, Basic Demo and Example Code

Primary LanguageCBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

EVE Library and Example Software for Windows and Linux

This repository contains:

  • EVE C Library for BT815, BT816, BT817, BT818

    • displays.h
    • eve.c
    • eve.h
  • Demo Code: Basic EVE Demo and PNG Transparency Demo

    • EVE-Library/src/demos
  • Releases

    • Executable files for the Demo Code for Windows
  • USB2SPI Bridge Code

    • EVE-Library/src/usb_bridge/

Basic EVE Demo

A quick and easy sanity check to ensure that your Matrix Orbital EVE3 or EVE4 SPI TFT Display and Touch works properly.

Hardware Requirements

An EVE display such as: alt text

EVE4x SPI TFT - Uses BT817/BT818 Graphics controller



EVE3 & EVE3x SPI TFT - Uses BT815/BT816 Graphics controller



You will require an USB to SPI bridge OR an USB version of the EVE display:



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An EVE-USB2SPI-KIT-B Bridge, recommended for new design.


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Windows: You can use the provided EXE files, or build the project.

Linux: You will require to build the project.


The sample code is provided as a cmake based project, on windows all dependencies are included, on Linux the libftdi1-dev package is required.

for both Windows and Linux:

git clone https://github.com/MatrixOrbital/EVE-Library.git
cd EVE-Library
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


Select the binary generated for your specific EVE3 or EVE4 variant to test both the TFT and touch functionality of your display

  1. Select EVE3 or EVE4

  2. Select your display size:

  1. Select your touch screen
  • TPN - No touch panel
  • TPR - Resistive touch panel. Uses FT812/BT816/BT818 Graphics controller
  • TPC - Capacitive touch panel. Uses FT813/BT815/BT817 Graphics controller

Note: for Linux depending on your operating system normal users may not have access to USB devices. On those systems, run the examples with sudo


Please note, if you do not have the USB2SPI module and an EVE display attached, nothing will happen. alt text

If you have a touch screen, TPR or TPC, you will need to calibrate the touch screen by pressing the dots. After the calibration is complete, you will see Matrix Orbital with a blue circle. If you press the circle it will enlarge.

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