
The codes for "Cluster-based Co-saliency Detection" in TIP 2013.

Primary LanguageMatlab

The Matlab code for Cluster-based Co-saliency Detection

Please cite the following publication if you used or was inspired by this code/work:

Huazhu Fu, Xiaochun Cao, Zhuowen Tu, "Cluster-based Co-saliency Detection", 
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 3766-3778, 2013.

This code is wrote by MATLAB, and it can run under Windows, Unix, Mac.
If you find any bugs, please contact Huazhu Fu (huazhufu@gmail.com).

1. Demo_Single.m : The demo for Cluster-based Saliency Detection in single image

2. Demo_Cosaliency.m : The demo for Cluster-based Co-saliency Detection in multiple images


2014.10.1: We re-organized the single/co-saliency function structure.
2014.08.19: We extracted the 'imread()' from the 'GetImVector' function.