Script in python made to scrape Linked Open Vocabularies to get:
- all the vocabulary's .n3 files (all of which saved in the directory vocabs/)
- other metadata information about the vocabularies (saved in LOV.xlsx in various sheets)
First of all we need to install python and pip Then we need to install a few libraries, such as:
- time
- json
- re
- requests
- urllib
- beautifulsoup4
- xlsxwriter
- xlrd
- pandas
In the end, just executing and letting it run for about half an hour, we will get:
- a folder named vocabs/ with inside all the available vocabularies of LOV
- a file LOV.xlsx with all the metadata information obtained from all the scraped vocabularies' pages
- a file log.txt with information about what has gone wrong scraping LOV (missing .n3 file or bad links to .n3 files)