
OCI Cloud Bricks: MongoDB

Primary LanguageHCLUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0

OCI Cloud Bricks: MongoDB

License: UPL Quality gate


The following brick contains the logic to provision a MonoDB database cluster in a highly available architecture. This includes 3-7 Config Servers, 3-7 Shards and any number of query servers.

This brick is only supported on Oracle Linux for the time being.

Reference Architecture

The following is the reference architecture associated to this brick

Reference Architecture


  • Pre-baked Artifact and Network Compartments
  • Pre-baked VCN

Sample tfvar file

If using Fixes Shapes.

######################################## COMMON VARIABLES ######################################
region           = "re-region-1"
tenancy_ocid     = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaabcedfghijklmonoprstuvwxyz"
user_ocid        = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaabcedfghijklmonoprstuvwxyz"
fingerprint      = "fo:oo:ba:ar:ba:ar"
private_key_path = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_api_key.pem"
######################################## COMMON VARIABLES ######################################
######################################## ARTIFACT SPECIFIC VARIABLES ######################################
ssh_public_key                          = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_ssh_public_key.pub"
ssh_private_key                         = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_ssh_private_key"
compute_nsg_name                        = "MY_NSG"
linux_compute_instance_compartment_name = "MY_ARTIFACT_COMPARTMENT"
linux_compute_network_compartment_name  = "MY_NETWORK_COMPARTMENT"
private_network_subnet_name             = "MY_PRIVATE_SUBNET"
vcn_display_name                        = "MY_VCN"

config_server_name    = "MY_CONFIG_SERVER_NAME"
config_server_shape   = "VM.Standard2.1"
config_server_count   = 3
config_server_ad_list = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
config_server_fd_list = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]

query_server_name    = "MY_QUERY_SERVER"
query_server_shape   = "VM.Standard2.1"
query_server_count   = 2
query_server_ad_list = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
query_server_fd_list = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]

shard_replica_set_name    = "MY_SHARD_SERVER_NAME"
shard_replica_set_shape   = "VM.Standard2.1"
shard_replica_set_count   = 3
shard_replica_set_ad_list = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
shard_replica_set_fd_list = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]

instance_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

config_disk_size_in_gb     = "50"
config_disk_vpus_per_gb    = "10"
config_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

query_disk_size_in_gb     = "50"
query_disk_vpus_per_gb    = "10"
query_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

database_size_in_gb          = "50"
database_vpus_per_gb         = "10"
database_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

mongodb_version = "5.0"
######################################## ARTIFACT SPECIFIC VARIABLES ######################################

If using Flex Shapes.

######################################## COMMON VARIABLES ######################################
region           = "re-region-1"
tenancy_ocid     = "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaabcedfghijklmonoprstuvwxyz"
user_ocid        = "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaabcedfghijklmonoprstuvwxyz"
fingerprint      = "fo:oo:ba:ar:ba:ar"
private_key_path = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_api_key.pem"
######################################## COMMON VARIABLES ######################################
######################################## ARTIFACT SPECIFIC VARIABLES ######################################
ssh_public_key                          = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_ssh_public_key.pub"
ssh_private_key                         = "/absolute/path/to/api/key/your_ssh_private_key"
compute_nsg_name                        = "MY_NSG"
linux_compute_instance_compartment_name = "MY_ARTIFACT_COMPARTMENT"
linux_compute_network_compartment_name  = "MY_NETWORK_COMPARTMENT"
private_network_subnet_name             = "MY_PRIVATE_SUBNET"
vcn_display_name                        = "MY_VCN"

config_server_name          = "MY_CONFIG_SERVER_NAME"
config_server_shape         = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex"
config_server_count         = 3
config_server_ad_list       = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
config_server_fd_list       = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]
config_server_is_flex_shape = true
config_server_ocpus         = 1
config_server_memory_in_gb  = 16

query_server_name          = "MY_QUERY_SERVER"
query_server_shape         = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex"
query_server_count         = 2
query_server_ad_list       = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
query_server_fd_list       = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]
query_server_is_flex_shape = true
query_server_ocpus         = 1
query_server_memory_in_gb  = 16

shard_replica_set_name          = "MY_SHARD_SERVER_NAME"
shard_replica_set_shape         = "VM.Standard.E4.Flex"
shard_replica_set_count         = 3
shard_replica_set_ad_list       = ["aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-1", "aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-2","aBCD:RE-REGION-1-AD-3" ]
shard_replica_set_fd_list       = ["FAULT-DOMAIN-1", "FAULT-DOMAIN-2", "FAULT-DOMAIN-3"]
shard_replica_set_is_flex_shape = true
shard_replica_set_ocpus         = 1
shard_replica_set_memory_in_gb  = 16

instance_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

config_disk_size_in_gb     = "50"
config_disk_vpus_per_gb    = "10"
config_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

query_disk_size_in_gb     = "50"
query_disk_vpus_per_gb    = "10"
query_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

database_size_in_gb          = "50"
database_vpus_per_gb         = "10"
database_backup_policy_level = "bronze"

mongodb_version = "5.0" 
######################################## ARTIFACT SPECIFIC VARIABLES ######################################

Variable Specific Conisderions

  • Compute ssh keys to later log into instances. Paths to the keys should be provided in variables ssh_public_key and ssh_private_key.
  • Variable compute_nsg_name is an optional network security group that can be attached.
  • Variable mongodb_version may be set to any of the supported version of MongoDB at the time of creating this brick (4.2, 4.4 or 5.0).
  • Variables config_server_count and shard_replica_set_count are used to choose how many config and shard servers are provisioned respectively. These can be anywhere between 1-7, though it is recommended to use at least 3 each for high availability setups to function correctly.
  • Variable query_server_count is used to choose how many query servers are provisioned. 2 is a reasonable amount to provision.
  • Variable instance_backup_policy_level specifies the name of the backup policy used on the instance boot volumes.
  • Variables config_backup_policy_level and query_backup_policy_level specificy the name of the backup policy used on the ISCSI disks storing log files on the config and query servers respectively.
  • Variable database_backup_policy_level specifices the name of the backup policy used on the ISCSI disks storing database data on the shard servers.
  • Variables config_disk_size_in_gb and query_disk_size_in_gb specify the size of the ISCSI disks in GB used to store log files on the config and query servers respectively. This can be between 50 and 32768.
  • Variable config_disk_vpus_per_gb and query_disk_vpus_per_gb specify the VPUs per GB of the ISCSI disks used to store log files on the config and query servers respectively. The value must be between 0 and 120 and be multiple of 10.
  • Variable database_size_in_gb specifices the size of the ISCSI disks in GB used to store database data on the shard servers. This can be between 50 and 32768.
  • Variable database_vpus_per_gb specifices the VPUs per GB of the ISCSI disks used to store database data on the shard servers. The value must be between 0 and 120 and be multiple of 10.
  • Flex Shapes:
    • Variable config_server_is_flex_shape should be defined as true when the config server instances are a flex shape. The variables config_server_ocpus and config_server_memory_in_gb should then also be defined. Do not use any of these variables at all when using a standard shape as they are not needed and assume sensible defaults.
    • Variable query_server_is_flex_shape should be defined as true when the query server instances are a flex shape. The variables query_server_ocpus and query_server_memory_in_gb should then also be defined. Do not use any of these variables at all when using a standard shape as they are not needed and assume sensible defaults.
    • Variable shard_replica_set_is_flex_shape should be defined as true when the shard server instances are a flex shape. The variables shard_replica_set_ocpus and shard_replica_set_memory_in_gb should then also be defined. Do not use any of these variables at all when using a standard shape as they are not needed and assume sensible defaults.

Sample provider

The following is the base provider definition to be used with this module

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.13.5"
provider "oci" {
  region       = var.region
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid
  user_ocid        = var.user_ocid
  fingerprint      = var.fingerprint
  private_key_path = var.private_key_path
  disable_auto_retries = "true"

provider "oci" {
  alias        = "home"
  region       = data.oci_identity_region_subscriptions.home_region_subscriptions.region_subscriptions[0].region_name
  tenancy_ocid = var.tenancy_ocid  
  user_ocid        = var.user_ocid
  fingerprint      = var.fingerprint
  private_key_path = var.private_key_path
  disable_auto_retries = "true"

Variable documentation


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.5
oci >= 4.36.0


Name Version
null 3.1.0
oci 4.45.0
template 2.2.0


No modules.


Name Type
null_resource.format_disk_exec_config_server resource
null_resource.format_disk_exec_query_server resource
null_resource.format_disk_exec_shard_replica_set resource
null_resource.mongodb_config_create_replica_set resource
null_resource.mongodb_config_server_install_binaries resource
null_resource.mongodb_config_server_setup resource
null_resource.mongodb_query_server_install_binaries resource
null_resource.mongodb_query_setup resource
null_resource.mongodb_shard_replica_set_attach_shards resource
null_resource.mongodb_shard_replica_set_create_replica_set resource
null_resource.mongodb_shard_replica_set_install_binaries resource
null_resource.mongodb_shard_replica_set_setup_shards resource
null_resource.mount_disk_exec_config_server resource
null_resource.mount_disk_exec_query_server resource
null_resource.mount_disk_exec_shard_replica_set resource
null_resource.partition_disk_config_server resource
null_resource.partition_disk_query_server resource
null_resource.partition_disk_shard_replica_set resource
null_resource.provisioning_disk_config_server resource
null_resource.provisioning_disk_query_server resource
null_resource.provisioning_disk_shard_replica_set resource
null_resource.pvcreate_exec_config_server resource
null_resource.pvcreate_exec_query_server resource
null_resource.pvcreate_exec_shard_replica_set resource
null_resource.vgcreate_exec_config_server resource
null_resource.vgcreate_exec_query_server resource
null_resource.vgcreate_exec_shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_instance.config_server resource
oci_core_instance.query_server resource
oci_core_instance.shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_volume.ISCSIDisk_config_server resource
oci_core_volume.ISCSIDisk_query_server resource
oci_core_volume.ISCSIDisk_shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_volume_attachment.ISCSIDiskAttachment_config_server resource
oci_core_volume_attachment.ISCSIDiskAttachment_query_server resource
oci_core_volume_attachment.ISCSIDiskAttachment_shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_ISCSI_Disk_config_server resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_ISCSI_Disk_query_server resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_ISCSI_Disk_shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_config_server resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_query_server resource
oci_core_volume_backup_policy_assignment.backup_policy_assignment_shard_replica_set resource
oci_core_images.ORACLELINUX data source
oci_core_network_security_groups.NSG data source
oci_core_subnets.PRIVATESUBNET data source
oci_core_vcns.VCN data source
oci_core_volume_backup_policies.CONFIGBACKUPPOLICY data source
oci_core_volume_backup_policies.DATABASEBACKUPPOLICY data source
oci_core_volume_backup_policies.INSTANCEBACKUPPOLICY data source
oci_core_volume_backup_policies.QUERYBACKUPPOLICY data source
oci_identity_compartments.COMPARTMENTS data source
oci_identity_compartments.NWCOMPARTMENTS data source
template_file.attach_shards_replica_set_sh data source
template_file.install_mongo_binaries_sh data source
template_file.setup_config_server_sh data source
template_file.setup_shard_replica_set_sh data source


Name Description Type Default Required
compute_nsg_name Name of the NSG associated to the computes string "" no
config_backup_policy_level The backup policy of config server ISCSI disks any n/a yes
config_disk_size_in_gb The size of the attached disk to the config server instances, stores logging data any n/a yes
config_disk_vpus_per_gb The VPUS of the attached disk to the config server instances any n/a yes
config_server_ad_list The availability domains to provision the config server instances in any n/a yes
config_server_count The number of config server instances to provision any n/a yes
config_server_fd_list The fault domains to provision the config server instances in any n/a yes
config_server_is_flex_shape Boolean to determine if the config server instances are flex or not bool false no
config_server_memory_in_gb The amount of memory in GB for the config server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
config_server_name The name given to the config server instances any n/a yes
config_server_ocpus The number of OCPUS for the config server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
config_server_shape The shape for the config server instances to use any n/a yes
database_backup_policy_level Backup policy level for Database ISCSI disks any n/a yes
database_size_in_gb The size of the attached disk to the shard server instances, stores database data any n/a yes
database_vpus_per_gb The VPUS of the attached disk to the shard server instances any n/a yes
fingerprint API Key Fingerprint for user_ocid derived from public API Key imported in OCI User config any n/a yes
instance_backup_policy_level The backup policy of all instances boot volumes any n/a yes
linux_compute_instance_compartment_name Defines the compartment name where the infrastructure will be created any n/a yes
linux_compute_network_compartment_name Defines the compartment where the Network is currently located any n/a yes
mongodb_version The version of MongoDB used in the setup any n/a yes
private_key_path Private Key Absolute path location where terraform is executed any n/a yes
private_network_subnet_name Defines the subnet display name where this resource will be created at any n/a yes
query_backup_policy_level The backup policy of query server ISCSI disks any n/a yes
query_disk_size_in_gb The size of the attached disk to the query server instances, stores logging data any n/a yes
query_disk_vpus_per_gb The VPUS of the attached disk to the query server instances any n/a yes
query_server_ad_list The availability domains to provision the query server instances in any n/a yes
query_server_count The number of query server instances to provision any n/a yes
query_server_fd_list The fault domains to provision the query server instances in any n/a yes
query_server_is_flex_shape Boolean to determine if the query server instances are flex or not bool false no
query_server_memory_in_gb The amount of memory in GB for the query server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
query_server_name The name given to the query server instances instance any n/a yes
query_server_ocpus The number of OCPUS for the query server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
query_server_shape The shape for the query server instances to use any n/a yes
region Target region where artifacts are going to be created any n/a yes
shard_replica_set_ad_list The availability domains to provision the shard server instances in any n/a yes
shard_replica_set_count The number of shard server instances to provision any n/a yes
shard_replica_set_fd_list The fault domains to provision the shard server instances in any n/a yes
shard_replica_set_is_flex_shape Boolean to determine if the shard server instances are flex or not bool false no
shard_replica_set_memory_in_gb The amount of memory in GB for the shard server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
shard_replica_set_name The name given to the shard server instances any n/a yes
shard_replica_set_ocpus The number of OCPUS for the shard server instances to use when flex shape is enabled string "" no
shard_replica_set_shape The shape for the shard server instances to use any n/a yes
ssh_private_key Defines SSH Private Key to be used in order to remotely connect to compute instances any n/a yes
ssh_public_key Defines SSH Public Key to be used in order to remotely connect to compute instances any n/a yes
tenancy_ocid OCID of tenancy any n/a yes
user_ocid User OCID in tenancy. Currently hardcoded to user denny.alquinta@oracle.com any n/a yes
vcn_display_name VCN Display name to execute lookup any n/a yes


Name Description
mongodb_config_servers MongoDB Config Server Instances
mongodb_query_servers MongoDB Query Server Instances
mongodb_shard_servers MongoDB Shard Server Instances


This project is open source. Please submit your contributions by forking this repository and submitting a pull request! Oracle appreciates any contributions that are made by the open source community.


Copyright (c) 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Licensed under the Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0.

See LICENSE for more details.