
Bring up an empty GBIF registry

Primary LanguageShell

GBIF Registry with Ansible

This is a demonstration Vagrant+Ansible setup to run the GBIF Registry webservice and GBIF Registry console.

It is not written for production use, although it includes all the necessary steps for a production deployment. Parts of the scripts are taken from GBIF's production deployment modules — these are not shared publicly, as they are tightly tied in with GBIF's infrastructure. (Other parts are not good examples of Ansible code.)

The script:

  • Starts an Ubuntu VM
  • Installs PostgreSQL from the default Ubuntu packages, and creates a user and database
  • Installs RabbitMQ from the default Ubuntu packages, including the management interface
  • Installs Java, Apache HTTPD, and other necessary tools (Ubuntu packages)
  • Runs Liquibase to create an empty Registry database, and adds a default user and node
  • Downloads version 2.105 of the GBIF Registry webservice and installs it as a SystemD service
  • Downloads version 2.105 of the GBIF Registry CLI module and installs it as a SystemD service, but doesn't start it
  • Extracts an included GBIF Registry console archive to be served by HTTPD.

The web service is exposed on port 8080, for example http://localhost:8080/dataset.

The console is exposed on port 8090, see http://localhost:8090.

(The legacy admin interface is on http://localhost:8080/ but is scheduled to be removed.)

Webservice logs can be seen with journalctl -u registry-ws.

RabbitMQ's interface is visible at http://localhost:15672/, with user guest and password guest.

The Registry admin user is admin with password adminadmin.


Improvements are:

  • Move the Bash scripts to Ansible declarations
  • Changed the Registry Console to produce a tagged package, stored ideally in Nexus, which can be retrieved and deployed.