Spring WebFlux Example
This project is an example of how to use Spring WebFlux to create a reactive RESTful API.
Build the jar and docker image.
Spring-WebFlux-Example $ mvn clean install
Spring-WebFlux-Example $ docker build -t mattbriden/spring-webflux-api .
There is a Docker environment included with this project to run the API with a Postgres DB initialized. Use the below commands to bring up the Docker environment.
Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/docker $ docker-compose run start_db
Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/docker $ docker-compose up -d
A Python script has also been included to seed the db with some data. It is encouraged to install the necessary pip packages in a virtual environment. The following commands can be used to do that.
Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/python $ python3 -m venv venv
Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/python $ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/python $ pip install -r requirements.txt
At this point the script can be run to seed the database. By default it will add ten entries but this can be configured by changing the num_entries
variable in seed-db.py. Run the script with the following command.
(venv) Spring-WebFlux-Example/util/python $ python3 seed-db.py
Use the following cURL command to call the reactive API.
Spring-WebFlux-Example $ curl localhost:8090/api/animal -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
transfer-encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/stream+json
The results will be returned in 1 second intervals as dictated by the code (see line 25 of AnimalController.java).