This repo is constantly evolving to suite my purposes and contains everything I need to quickly configure and use my work, personal and laptop computers.
- Fully configured Neovim with lots of fun plugins.
- Treesitter
- lsp
- completion
- debugging for C++/Rust
- Much more
- Firefox profiles for Work and Home
- Removal of annoying firefox things like the password saving
- Clear data on quit
- Disable telemetry, pocket, studies, etc
- tmux
- Builtin scripts to run tmux on terminal open
- Quickly switch between projects in tmux using tmux-sessionizer
- NixOS.
If you have NixOS then installation is a simple as:
cd ~
git clone
cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ~/nixos-config/machines/<MACHINE>/.
cd ~/nixos-config/
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<MACHINE>
sudo reboot now
If you dont have NixOS feel free to pull stuff out of here for your own purposes.