
Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Scala

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Json Logic Scala

Build complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Scala.

Json-logic-scala enables you to serialize in JSON format logical expressions. It also enables you to load a scala object from a logical expression/JSON.

Due to Scala's strong static typed language nature, json-logic-scala requires JSON to add tell type in json.

Why would you use json-logic-scala ?

The JsonLogic format is designed to allow you to share rules (logic) between front-end and back-end code (regardless of language difference), even to store logic along with a record in a database.

Logic that has been exported from another language can be applied quickly on scala.

Scala Versions

This project is compiled, tested, and published for the following Scala versions:

  • 2.10.7
  • 2.11.12
  • 2.12.6
  • 2.13.1

Table of Contents

  1. Installation

  2. Main concepts: Boolean-Algebra-Tree

    2.1 ComposeLogic: Internal Node

    2.2 ValueLogic: Leaf Node

  3. Example

  4. Read/Write json

    4.1 Read json: Define Decoder

    4.2 Write json: Define Encoder

  5. Evaluating logical expression: reduce

    5.1 reduceValueLogic method

    5.2 reduceComposeLogic method

  6. More examples

  7. Scaladoc API

1. Installation

To get started, add json-logic-scala as a dependency to your project:

  • sbt

    libraryDependencies += "com.github.celadari" %% "json-logic-scala" % "latest.integration"
  • Gradle

    compile group: 'com.github.celadari', name: 'json-logic-scala_2.12', version: 'latest.integration'
  • Maven


Json-logic-scala supports Scala 2.11 and 2.12. Choosing the right JAR is automatically managed in sbt. If you're using Gradle or Maven then you need to use the correct version in the artifactId.

2. Main concepts: Boolean-Algebra-Tree

Boolean expressions are complex boolean statements composed of atoms, unary, binary and multiple operators. Atoms are assigned a value, and can be fed to a binary or unary expression. For example, the logical expression


can be parsed to the following Abstract Syntax Tree:


A tree representation of the logical expression is very convenient. After isolating the outermost operator of the expression (the operator which is enclosed with the fewest amount of parentheses), the logical expression can be split on said operator into different branches representing themselves logical expressions. These different expressions can be further split into different branches until reaching leaves Node which represent single atoms.

Evaluating the logical expression in its tree representation is evaluated recursively. Each Internal Node needs to have its children nodes evaluated before being evaluated. Leaf Nodes represent variables/values.

A boolean decision tree is represented by the JsonLogicCore class - which has two subtypes:

2.1 ComposeLogic: Internal Node.

A ComposeLogic class is an Internal Node in the boolean-algebra-tree. It is defined by two fields:

  • operator: String the codename of the operator.
  • conditions: Array[JsonLogicCore] array of sub-conditions this node applies to.

2.2 ValueLogic: Leaf Node.

It represents a basic value for an operand in order to produce a condition. It is defined by two fields.

  • operator: String whose value is supposed to be always "var".
  • value: T the value object itself to feed an operand.

3. Example

Let's suppose you have a parquet/csv file on disk and you want to remember/transfer filtering rules before loading it.

price (€) quantity label label2 clientID date
54 2 t-shirts t-shirts 245698 2018-01-12 09:12:00
68 1 pants shoes 478965 2019-07-24 15:24:00
10 2 sockets hat 478963 2020-02-14 16:22:00
........... .......... .......... .......... .......... .....................

Let's suppose we are only interested in rows which satisfy logical expression:


If you want to store the logic (logical expression) in an universal format that can be shared between scala, R, python code you can store in jsonLogic format.

For the logic:

  "and": [{
            "<=": [
                    {"var": "colA", "type": "column"},
                    {"var": "valA", "type": "value"}
            "!=": [
                    {"var": "colB", "type": "column"},
                    {"var": "colC", "type": "column"}

For the values:

    "colA": {"name": "price (€)"},
    "valA": {"value": 20, "type": "int"},
    "colB": {"name": "label"},
    "colC": {"name": "label2"}

4. Read/Write json

To use Json Logic Scala, you should start by defining or importing a JsonLogicCore instance (we'll see how to evaluate it latter below).

Type information

A Leaf Node has the following json-logic-scala format

{"var": {...}, "type": "something"}

The "var" field represents the Leaf Node itself while the "type" fields is a string naming the type of the Leaf Node. This is due to Scala being a strong static type language and types just cannot be inferred automatically from a json string. Thus, the "type" fields is required for telling the JVM how to parse the "var" field.

Json-logic-scala comes with built-in naming convention for basic types

"type" field Scala type
"byte" Byte
"short" Short
"int" Int
"long" Long
"string" String
"float" Float
"double" Double
"boolean" Boolean

4.1 Read json: Define Decoder

A decoder defines how to read/parse a JSON string/JsValue to a JsonLogicCore instance.

  • Decoder class must be instantiated if you need to parse a Json string to a Scala object.

    implicit val decoder = new Decoder
    val myVal = Json.parse(json).as[JsonLogicCore]
  • Custom scala object/classes:

    • You don't need to change built-in naming convention. Just instantiate Decoder class and define its customDecode method.

      implicit val decoder = new Decoder{
          override def customDecode(json: JsValue, otherType: String): Any =
                otherType match {
                      case "car" => json.as[Car]
                      case "plane" => json.as[Plane]
                      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong argument.")

      To do so, you just need to indicate new "type" field value along with their Scala class/type.

    • You need to change built-in naming convention. Just instantiate Decoder class and override its decode method.

      implicit val decoder = new Decoder{
          override def decode(jsonLogic: JsObject, jsonLogicData: JsObject): Any =
              val typeData = (jsonLogic \ "type").as[String]
              val pathData = (jsonLogic \ "var").as[String]
              val jsValue = (jsonLogicData \ pathData).get
              val value = typeData match {
                  case "my_custom_byte_name" => jsValue.as[Byte]
                  case "my_custom_int_name" => jsValue.as[Int]
              ValueLogic("var", value)
    • Take note that you must provide Play JSON library a Reads typeclass to define how to read your specific type. For more information on defining a Reads typeclass. Fortunately, you usually don't need to implement a Reads typleclass directly. Play JSON comes equipped with some convenient macros to convert to and from case classes. In the following, you just need to define in companion object of case class Car:

      object Car {
          implicit val carReads: Reads[Car] = Json.reads[Car]

4.2 Write json: Define Encoder

A decoder defines how to write a JSON string/JsValue from a JsonLogicCore instance.

  • Encoder class must be instantiated if you need to stringify a Scala object.

    implicit val encoder: Encoder = new Encoder // useless if only basic built-in types
    val json = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(json).as[JsonLogicCore])

    Json-logic-scala comes with built-in Encoder for basic/built-in types.

  • Custom scala object/classes:

    • You don't need to change built-in naming convention. Just instantiate Encoder class and define its customValueAndType method.

      implicit val encoder = new Encoder{
          override def customValueAndType(value: Any): (String, JsValue) =
                value match {
                      case value: Car => ("car", Json.toJson(value))
                      case value: Plane => ("plane", Json.toJson(value))
                      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong argument.")

      To do so, you just need to indicate new "type" field value along with their Scala class/type. You can also override encode method instead of customValueAndType.

    • You need to change built-in naming convention. Just instantiate Encoder class and override its getJsValueAndType method.

      implicit val encoder = new Encoder{
          override def getJsValueAndType(value: Any): (String, JsValue) = {
              value match {
                    case value: String => ("my_custom_string", JsString(value))
                    case value: MyCustomClass => ("my_custom_class", Json.toJson(value))
    • Take note that you must provide Play JSON library a Writes typeclass to define how to write your specific type. For more information on defining a Writes typeclass. Fortunately, you usually don't need to implement a Writes typleclass directly. Play JSON comes equipped with some convenient macros to convert to and from case classes. In the following, you just need to define in companion object of case class Car:

      object Car {
          implicit val carWrites: Writes[Car] = Json.writes[Car]

5. Evaluating logical expression: reduce

Evaluating a logical expression and getting its result if the main interest for most cases. Generally, logic/rules are received from another language/application and we want to apply this logic to our Scala program. Evaluating the logical expression is performed by applying a reduce function to the boolean-algebra-tree.

ReduceLogic class

Evaluating boolean-algebra-tree can be done by instantiating ReduceLogic class and applying reduce method on your JsonLogicCore instance.

val condition: JsonLogicCore = ...
val reducer = new ReduceLogic
val result = reducer.reduce(condition)

The reduce method applies two sub-methods depending if the Node is an Internal Node or a Leaf Node.

5.1 reduceValueLogic method

  • def reduceValueLogic(condition: ValueLogic[_]): Any
  • It is called by the reduce method on ValueLogic conditions.
  • Current built-in json-logic-scala implementation returns the Leaf Node ValueLogic instance's value.

5.2 reduceComposeLogic method

  • def reduceComposeLogic(condition: ComposeLogic): Any
  • It is called by the reduce method on ComposeLogic conditions.
  • Defines for which operator string value, which Scala comparator function should be applied.
  • Comes with built-in naming convention for operators and built-in Scala comparators function.

Json-logic-scala comes with built-in comparators which are split into 3 different categories: CompareOperator, ContainsOperator, BooleanOperator.

There are several ways to define a custom reduceComposeLogic method:

5.2.1 Define custom comparators methods

Good option if you need to add new types but don't need to change the comparator functions for built-in/basic types and don't need to change built-in naming convention for operators.

Json-logic-scala provides comparator functions for basic types: Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double. Those comparators are implicit parameters of ReduceLogic loaded at instantiation.

If you need to define comparison behavior to compare a new type to other types you need to implement methods among the following:

package Scala function Behavior that it defines
CompareOperator def negateCustom(value: Any): Any negate operator for custom types in CompareOperator package
CompareOperator def cmpCustomLong(a: Long, b: Any): Any <= operator between Long and custom types
CompareOperator def cmpCustomDouble(a: Double, b: Any): Any <= operator between Double and custom types
CompareOperator def cmpCustom(a: Any, b: Any): Any <= operator between custom types themselves
CompareOperator def eqCustomLong(a: Long, b: Any): Any = operator between Long and custom types
CompareOperator def eqCustomDouble(a: Double, b: Any): Any <= operator between Double and custom types
CompareOperator def eqCustom(a: Any, b: Any): Any = operator between custom types themselves
ContainsOperator def containsCustom(a: Any, b: Any): Any contains operator between custom types themselves
ContainsOperator def negateCustom(value: Any): Any negate operator for custom types in ContainsOperator package
BooleanOperator def andCustom(a: Any, b: Any): Any and operator between custom types
BooleanOperator def andCustomBoolean(a: Boolean, b: Any): Any and operator between Boolean type and custom types
BooleanOperator def orCustom(a: Any, b: Any): Any or operator between custom types
BooleanOperator def orCustomBoolean(a: Boolean, b: Any): Any or operator between Boolean type and custom types
BooleanOperator def negateCustom(value: Any): Any negate operator for custom types in BooleanOperator package

5.2.2 Redefine main comparators methods

Good option if you need to change the comparator functions for built-in/basic types and don't need to change built-in naming convention for operators.

You just need to override among the following comparator methods:

package Scala function Behavior that it defines
CompareOperator def eq(a: Any, b: Any): Any = operator for all different types in CompareOperator package
CompareOperator def negate(value: Any): Any ! operator for all different types in CompareOperator package
CompareOperator def cmp(a: Any, b: Any): Any <= operator for all different types in CompareOperator package
ContainsOperator def contains(a: Any, b: Any): Any contains operator for all different types in ContainsOperator package
ContainsOperator def negate(value: Any): Any ! operator for all different types in ContainsOperator package
BooleanOperator def and(a: Any, b: Any): Any ! operator for all different types in ContainsOperator package
BooleanOperator def or(a: Any, b: Any): Any ! operator for all different types in ContainsOperator package
BooleanOperator def negate(value: Any): Any ! operator for all different types in ContainsOperator package

5.2.3 Redefine reduceComposeLogic method

Good option if you need to add new operators.

Example: let's imagine we just want to add the "if" condition.

implicit val reducer = new ReduceLogic() {
    override def reduceComposeLogic(condition: ComposeLogic): Any = {
        condition.operator match {
            case "if" => ifCondition(condition.conditions)
            case other => super.reduceComposeLogic(condition)

    def ifCondition(conditions: Array[JsonLogicCore]): Any = {

6. More examples

More detailed examples can found here

7. Scaladoc API

The Scaladoc API for this project can be found here.


Json Logic Scala is licensed under the MIT License.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 celadari

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.