
Monitors an API for new data and sends digest emails to subscribers.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

subscribeme Gitter chat stability - experimental

Monitors an API for new data and sends digest emails to subscribers.

SubscribeMe is meant to be a service for developers who want to let their users subscribe to updates from their application, but aren't thrilled about having to write code for confirmation emails, unsubscribe functionality, scheduling the emails, and worrying about how it will scale. Using SubscribeMe, developers can simply specify the data source's API, configure an email template, and add a "subscribe" button to their application.

How it works

SubscribeMe's database has a services table. A service is a data source being subscribed to. The developer will configure their service, specifying the valid URL pattern via regex (ie. https:\/\/data.com\/datasets\/[A-Za-z0-9]\.json) and an email digest template (using handlebars to inject the data).

The developer can then add a 'subscribe' form to their application for users to fill in their email address. On submission, the form should send a POST request to their SubscribeMe service containing the email address and the url being subscribed to (ie. https://data.com/datasets/crimes.json?date={{ formatDate 'today' 'YYYY-MM-DD' }})

Every day, SubscribeMe will execute the query, render the result into the template, and send an email to all the subscribers of that query.

Currently, SubscribeMe assumes that the query will only return "new" records. Since many APIs don't let you filter by date, though, the goal is for SubscribeMe to determine whether each record has been sent out before and only send new ones (similar to how RSS readers work).


services queries subscribers
id id id
name service_id query_id
slug url email
url_regex status
subject_template unsubscribe_token


Start database and queue

docker-compose up db queue

Run migrations and load seed data

docker-compose run --rm node npm run db:migrate docker-compose run --rm node npm run db:seed seeds/test_data.yml services queries subscribers

Start consumer

docker-compose run --rm consumer

Run scheduler

docker-compose run --rm scheduler


Deploy application to heroku


In the heroku dashboard of the deployed application, click the MailGun logo.

Alternatively, use the heroku cli to get to your MailGun dashboard.

heroku addons:open mailgun

Add and verify a domain to send email from, or add and verify individual authorized recipients

there isn't really a command to show for this step...

If you added your own domain to mailgun, change the MAILGUN_DOMAIN environment variable in your heroku app.

heroku config:set MAILGUN_DOMAIN=yourdomain.com

Load seed data into your database

heroku run seed seeds/production_data.yml services

Run the scheduler (or set it up using the scheduler add-on)

heroku run scheduler