
Import pages from notion.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Import notion pages to jekyll.


Use gem to install.

$ gem install 'jekyll-notion'

Or add it to the Gemfile.

# Gemfile
gem 'jekyll-notion'

And update your jekyll plugins property in _config.yml.

  - jekyll-notion


Before using the gem create an integration and generate a secret token. Check notion getting started guide to learn more.

Once you have youe secret, export it in an environment variable named NOTION_TOKEN.

$ export NOTION_TOKEN=<secret_...>


Once the notion database has been shared, specify the database id in the _config.yml file as follows.

    - id: 5cfed4de3bdc4f43ae8ba653a7a2219b

By default, the notion pages contained in the database will be loaded into the posts collection.

We can also define multiple databases as follows.

  - recipes
  - films

    - id: b0e688e199af4295ae80b67eb52f2e2f
    - id: 2190450d4cb34739a5c8340c4110fe21
      collection: recipes
    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f 
      collection: films

After running jekyll build (or serve) command, the posts, recipes and films collections will be loaded with pages from the notion databases.

Database options

Each dabatase support the following options.

  • id: the notion database unique identifier,
  • collection: the collection each page belongs to (posts by default),
  • filter: the database filter property,
  • sorts: the database sorts criteria,
    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f
      collection: posts
      filter: { "property": "Published", "checkbox": { "equals": true } }
      sorts: [{ "timestamp": "created_time", "direction": "ascending" }]


Individual Notion pages can also be loaded into Jekyll. Just define the page property as follows.

    - id: 5cfed4de3bdc4f43ae8ba653a7a2219b

As databases, we can set up multiple pages.

    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f
    - id: b0e688e199af4295ae80b67eb52f2e2f
    - id: 2190450d4cb34739a5c8340c4110fe21

The filename of the generated page is the notion page title. Check below for more info.

All properties assigned to a notion page will be interpreted by jekyll as front matter. For example, if the permalink property is set to /about/ in the notion page, jekyll will use it to create the corresponding path at the output directory at /about/index.html.


Instead of storing the notion pages in a collection or in the pages list, you can assign them to the data object.Just declare the data property next to the page or database id.

    - id: b0e688e199af4295ae80b67eb52f2e2f
    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f
      data: films
    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f
    - id: b0e688e199af4295ae80b67eb52f2e2f
      data: about

Page properties and body of the notion page are stored as a hash object.

Data objects can be accessed as follows.

{% for film in site.data.films %}
  <li>{{ film.title }}</li>
{% endfor %}

Notice, the page body is stored in the key content.

{{ site.data.about.content }}

The rest of properties are mapped as expected. For more info go to notion properties.


By default, databases are only requested during the first build. Subsequent builds use the results from the cache.

Set fetch_on_watch to true to allow request on each rebuild.

  fetch_on_watch: true
    - id: e42383cd49754897b967ce453760499f

And that's all. Each page in the notion database will be included in the selected collection.

Notion properties

Notion page properties are set for each document in the front matter.

Please, refer to the notion_to_md gem to learn more.

Page filename

There are two kinds of documents in Jekyll: posts and others.

When the document is a post, the filename format contains the created_time property plus the page title as specified in jekyll docs.


The filename for any other document is the page title.