
a repo for the collab coding class

A collaborative poem by the 2021 3AI cohort

As a 3rd 3AI cohort, we are going to write a poem, line by line about the Northern Territory.​

We are going to work in pairs to draft lines for the poem, which will then be considered by the group for a final "code review" (checking for flow, syntax etc) before submitting. ​

The poem must cover at least 5 of the topics listed below: ​


The word ‘gammin’​

Uluru/Kata tjuta​

Trever the rubbish warrior (?)​

Djapana/sunset dreaming​

NT Politics​

Seabed mining​



Magpie geese​

Inappropriate use of fire crackers​

As a group, we'd like you to consider the following points and come up with some rules that the group will have to follow when drafting the poem