A Django starter project with Tailwind, Alpine.js and HTMX. Based on DjangoX by Will Vincent.

New features

  • Styling with Tailwind.
  • Interactivity with Alpine.js.
  • Modern front-end experience via HTMX.
  • Environment variables with python-dotenv.
  • Media file support via Cloudinary.

DjangoX features

Getting started

Follow the installation instructions below, then follow these steps to configure the extra bits.


Create a .env file in your project root and add your secret key and debug settings.


Forms are styled with crispy-tailwind, but it doesn't support dark mode so I've had to override a bunch of templates. These are in templates/tailwind.

Development mode

python manage.py tailwind start

To run tailwind in development mode. This will watch for changes and use browsersync to auto-reload the browser.

Production mode

python manage.py tailwind build

This will create a build optimised for production.


Browsing between pages

Add the following code to your a tags:

 hx-get="{% url 'home' %}" hx-target="body" hx-push-url="true" hx-indicator=".progress"
  • hx-get="{% url 'home' %} - The target page if a link, should be the same as the href
  • hx-target="body" – The element to switch out content from. Can be set to any element, but body is useful for switching between pages.
  • hx-push-url="true" – Adds the link to the browser history/back button.
  • hx-indicator=".progress" – Shows the progress indicator at the top of the page when loading.


Uncomment the Cloudinary config in settings.py and add your cloud name, API key and secret to your environment variables.

Import Cloudinary in models.py:

from cloudinary.models import CloudinaryField
from cloudinary.uploader import upload

Add Cloudinary fields to your model:

image = CloudinaryField('image')


A batteries-included Django starter project. To learn more try the books Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals.

🚀 Features

Table of Contents

📖 Installation

DjangoX can be installed via Pip or Docker. To start, clone the repo to your local computer and change into the proper directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/MattKevan/djangox-tailwind.git
$ cd djangox-tailwind


$ python -m venv .venv

# Windows
$ Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
$ .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1

# macOS
$ source .venv/bin/activate

(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(.venv) $ python manage.py migrate
(.venv) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(.venv) $ python manage.py runserver
# Load the site at


To use Docker with PostgreSQL as the database update the DATABASES section of django_project/settings.py to reflect the following:

# django_project/settings.py
    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "NAME": "postgres",
        "USER": "postgres",
        "PASSWORD": "postgres",
        "HOST": "db",  # set in docker-compose.yml
        "PORT": 5432,  # default postgres port

The INTERNAL_IPS configuration in django_project/settings.py must be also be updated:

# config/settings.py
# django-debug-toolbar
import socket
hostname, _, ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname())
INTERNAL_IPS = [ip[:-1] + "1" for ip in ips]

And then proceed to build the Docker image, run the container, and execute the standard commands within Docker.

$ docker-compose up -d --build
$ docker-compose exec web python manage.py migrate
$ docker-compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser
# Load the site at

Next Steps

I cover all of these steps in my three books: Django for Beginners, Django for APIs, and Django for Professionals.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! See CONTRIBUTING.md.

⭐️ Support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!


The MIT License