Eternity is a web application intended to emulate a scientific calculator capable of performing complex scientific operations. View a live version or consult the documentation site.
- Mathieu Lajoie (40026331)
- Olivier Hébert (40051654)
- Jason Brennan (27793928)
- Charles-Antoine Guité (40063098)
- Manel Guay-Montserrat (29692304)
Repository Structure
Our repository contains three main directories that have clear, defined and different purposes.
Directory | Description |
Eternity | Contains the application. Includes the source code, guides to running the app, etc. |
Documentation | Contains the automatically generated documentation files. |
Deliverables | Contains the reports, slides and other documents that were submitted for grading. |
We make use of a GitHub board which separates the issues by category. Currently, we are splitting between issues that are still to do, in progress, undergoing review, have been approved, and have been merged. Each team member is responsible for the lifecycle of their issue on this board. Our methodology is a loosely applied kanban approach, with slight modifications where it makes sense.
Every pull request must first be approved by two team members to adhere to asymmetric code review guidelines set by the professor. We have also implemented Netlify within our environment. For every pull request, Netlify builds the application and comments with a link which shows a live version of the pull request source code. It helps tremendously with code reviews, as people do not need to change branches and run the code locally to test it out.