
speech-recorder is a node.js module for streaming audio from a device's microphone and filtering for speech.

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speech-recorder is a cross-platform, native node.js addon for getting a stream of audio from a device's microphone. Using speech-recorder, you can also get only the audio that corresponds to someone speaking.

This module is used for speech recognition in Serenade. Serenade enables you to write code through natural speech, rather than typing.


speech-recorder has been tested on Windows 10, macOS 10.14+, and Ubuntu 18.04+ (and may work on other platforms as well).

To install speech-recorder, run:

yarn add speech-recorder

If you're using this library with Electron, you should probably use electron-rebuild.


This library uses two voice activity detection mechanisms: a fast first pass (the WebRTC VAD), and a slightly slower, but much more accurate, second pass (the Silero VAD). See below for the various options you can supply to each.


You can get a list of supported devices with:

import { getDevices } from "speech-recorder";



You can write all audio to a file with:

import { SpeechRecorder } from "speech-recorder";

const recorder = new SpeechRecorder();
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("audio.raw");

  onAudio: (audio) => {

Or, just the speech with:

import { SpeechRecorder } from "speech-recorder";

const recorder = new SpeechRecorder({ framesPerBuffer: 320 });
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream("audio.raw");

  onAudio: (audio, speech) => {
    if (speech) {


The SpeechRecorder constructor supports the following options:

  • disableSecondPass: whether or not to disable the second pass. defaults to false.
  • error: callback called on audio stream error. defaults to null.
  • framesPerBuffer: the number of audio frames to read at a time. defaults to 320.
  • highWaterMark: the highWaterMark to be applied to the underlying stream, or how much audio can be buffered in memory. defaults to 64000 (64kb).
  • leadingPadding: the number of frames to buffer at the start of a speech chunk. this can be prevent audio at the start of the file from getting cut off. defaults to 20.
  • firstPassFilter: the level of aggressiveness for the first-pass filter on a scale of 0-3, with 0 being the least aggressive and 3 being the most aggressive. defaults to 3.
  • minimumVolume: a minimum volume threshold for speech.
  • speakingThreshold: the number of consecutive speaking frames before considering speech to have started. defaults to 1.
  • silenceThreshold: the number of consecutive non-speaking buffers before considering speech to be finished. defaults to 10.
  • triggers: a list of Trigger objects that can optionally specify when the onTrigger callback is executed.
  • vadBufferSize: the number of buffers to pass to the second-pass VAD. i.e., the number of frames passed to the VAD is framesPerBuffer * vadBufferSize.
  • vadThreshold: the probability cutoff, between 0–1, for the second-pass VAD. defaults to 0.75. e.g., a value of 0.9 will only consider a buffer to be speech if the VAD is 90% confident.

The start method supports the following options:

  • deviceId: id value from getDevices corresponding to the device you want to use; a value of -1 uses the default device.
  • onAudio: a callback to be executed when audio data is received from the mic. will be passed (audio, speaking, speech, volume, silence), where audio is the buffer of audio data, speaking is whether or not we're in the speaking state, speech is whether the current frame is speech (recall that consecutive non-speaking frames must be found to exit the speaking state, so speaking and speech can be different), volume is the volume of the audio, and silence is the number of consecutive silence frames that have been heard.
  • onChunkStart: a callback to be executed when a speech chunk starts. will be passed the leading buffer, whose size is determined by leadingPadding.
  • onChunkEnd: a callback to be executed when a speech chunk ends.
  • onTrigger: a callback to be executed when a trigger threshold is met.


See the examples/ directory for example usages.


  • speech-recorder uses PortAudio for native microphone access.
  • speech-recorder uses webrtcvad as a first-pass filter for voice detection.
  • speech-recorder users silero-vad for detecting voice.
  • speech-recorder is based on node-portaudio, which in turn is based on naudiodon.