Prettier Lichess

Here is the source code for both the chrome and firefox extension! It's simple but it's mine. Feel free to download, fork, use, and mess with it all you want. No attribution or anything required.

Community Themes

Check out the community driven theme library here

Usage and General Info

Lichess is an amazing platform that has more than just the ability to play chess, and all for free. Unfortunately I felt like it didn't show this well with it's current design, nor did it show it was a site that resides in 2021. Now with Prettier Lichess, Lichess becomes more readable, more discoverable, and prettier (plus customizable colors)!

Development workflow

  • Run npm install to get all packages
  • Run npm run watch to have webpack start watching your files. All output files will be built in ./dist
  • As an alternative, you can use npm run build for a one-shot build
  • That's pretty much it :)