
Slowloris HTTP DoS implementation in golang

Primary LanguageGo


Slowloris HTTP DoS implementation in golang.

usage: goloris [OPTIONS]... TARGET
  TARGET host:port. port 80 is assumed for HTTP connections. 443 is assumed for HTTPS connections

  -connections=10: Number of active concurrent connections
  -dosHeader="Cookie: a=b": Header to send repeatedly
  -finishafter=0: Seconds to wait before finishing the request. If zero the request is never finished
  -https=false: Use HTTPS
  -interval=1: Number of seconds to wait between sending headers
  -method="GET": HTTP method to use
  -resource="/": Resource to request from the server
  -timeout=60: HTTP connection timeout in seconds
  -timermode=false: Measure the timeout of the server. connections flag is omitted
  -useragent="Goloris HTTP DoS": User-Agent header of the request

  ./goloris -connections=500
  ./goloris -https -connections=500
  ./goloris -useragent="some user-agent string" -https -connections=500

Usage of this program for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is
illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, 
state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not 
responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.

This disclaimer was shamelessy copied from sqlmap with minor modifications :)