My current OS161 Implementation. WHAT HAS BEEN FULLY IMPLEMENTED AND WORKING: -Threads, Locks, etc. -Fork -Execve -sys_read, sys_write WHAT HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED BUT NOT FULLY WORKING: -Multi-level page table (2-level) Our OS/161 code has been neatly commented and coded for simple read-through. All code is in C. This is low-level kernel programming. The assignments we completed are as follows: ASST0 (COMPLETED FULLY): ASST1 (COMPLETED FULLY): ASST2 (COMPLETED 80%, some bugs): ASST3 (COMPLETED 70%, bugs): Note, to compile and run the OS: cd os161/os161/kern/compile/ASST3 make depend make make install cd ~/os161/root sys161 kernel NOTE: If you would like to use the debugger (GDB) modify the last line to say 'sys161 -w kernel' Then, in your gdb type: target remote unix:.sockets/gdb And you're ready to find bugs! Thanks to contributions from Heindrik, Karim and Aldrich. I will likely come back to this code and fix it up in the near future. -Matt