A web app to assist Buyers/Sellers/Traders of TCG games.

Primary LanguageRuby


A web app to assist Buyers/Sellers/Traders of TCG games.

Ruby Version: 2.1.5 Rails Version: 4.2

#Installation Guide

To quickly get a local version of the server running install Ubuntu 14.04. Install the proper version of ruby. To install ruby on ubuntu you can run the command

sudo apt-get install ruby 2.1.5

if you already have a version of ruby running on your computer then you should look into running a version manager such as RVM or Rbenv.

For more information visit: Stackoverflow discussion of RVM

Then run in the command line

gem install rails

After your environment is set up clone the repo. When completed cd into the directory in the terminal. After this run

bundle install

This will install any gems listed in the gemfile as well as their dependencies. Once completed without errors you are able to run the server.

bundle exec rails s

Once the server is started you can point your browser towards localhost:3000 to view the webpage.