
Self hosted webapp that creates stats images from battlefield 1.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a self-hosted application that requires some setup to use. To get started, you'll need to have a few things:

  1. NodeJS v7 installed.
  2. A system running with BASH (A native shell used by Linux and OSX, windows is not supported but cygwin might work)
  3. A TRN Api key, you can get one at https://battlefieldtracker.com/site-api

Environment Variables

Instead of hard-coding any configuration, this standalone application uses environment variables. The following are used:

TRN_API_KEYRequired API Key required to comminucate with battlefieldtracker.com
NODE_ENVUse "production" for an optimized version, anything else is considered "development" (is "development" by default)
HOSTOptional domain host - falls back to IP
IPOptional ip - falls back to
PORTOptional port - falls back to 3000
REDIS_URLOptional URL to your redis endpoint - if blank redis is not used
KEEN_PROJECT_IDOptional, Keen analytics project ID - ignore if you dont want to use.
KEEN_WRITE_KEYOptional, Keen analytics write key - ignore if you dont want to use.


Download NodeJS

Clone this project:

git clone https://github.com/MattMcFarland/bf-swag

Install Dependencies:

npm install

Start the application:

npm start

Using production environments

It is highly recommended you use a cloud platform that takes advantage of the nodejs pipeline. Heroku, MS Azure, Google CLoud Compute, and Amazon AWS are all viable options. I personally used Heroku for this project and found it to be the easiest.

Usage on a (virtual or not) dedicated server

If you are planning on running this on your own managed server - some extra steps will be necessary, and the installation will be more difficult! It might be worth it to install pm2 http://pm2.keymetrics.io/

To run with apache, see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9831594/apache-and-node-js-on-the-same-server

If you are running with nginx - see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-application-for-production-on-ubuntu-16-04