This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

This application is deployed with vercel integrated with Supabase. That means unless you have a similar setup, local installation will be difficult.

First, install packages

npm install

Session auth requires a .env.local file generated from vercel

# Login to vercel
npm run vercel:login
# Link your local instance to vercel runtime
npm run vercel:link
# Pull env vars to `.env.local`
npm run vercel:env:pull

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Each folder within src/ should contain a explaining what it is for. The exception to this is the src/pages/ folder, due to each file automatically generating a browser or api route by next-js.

How to fork the infrastructure

  • Fork this repo
  • Create a vercel project
  • Import the repo with vercel import tool from Github
  • Create a supabase integration with vercel
  • Login to vercel with npm run vercel:login
  • Link your local version with vercel npm run vercel:link
  • Pull env vars with npm run vercel:env:pull
    • This will create a .env.local file that SHOULD NEVER be checked into git history

To Generate types

Supabase can automatically generate types directly from a prod instance. This means we don't have to keep updates by hand.

These scripts assume you have a $SUPABASE_PROJECT_ID env var in .env.local that points to a supabase project id. It uses env-cmd in order to be windows-compatible.

npm run supbase:login
npx run supabase:types