
Collection of ontologies created by the partner projects of Material Digital 1


HAP 4 is preparing an overview of all ontologies created in the partner projects of MaterialDigitals first funding period. All partner projects should have received an email in which they are asked for their contribution. The purpose of this repo is to collect these contributions.

List of ontologies

Project Name Namespace Reference to own public resource
Ontology Publication Template https://w3id.org/pmd/ont_pub_tmplt/ https://github.com/materialdigital/ontology_publication_template
DiProMag https://www.dipromag.de/dipromag_onto/0.1/ https://www.dipromag.de/dipromag_onto/0.1/
KNOW-NOW https://git.tu-berlin.de/felipebaca/know-now
SmaDi urn:absolute/smadiont# https://github.com/SmaDi-OBDMA/SmaDi-OBDMA-system
GlasDigital https://w3id.org/pmd/glass-ontology/ https://github.com/materialdigital/glasdigital-ontology
LeBeDigital https://w3id.org/cpto https://github.com/BAMresearch/LebeDigital

Technical requirements for ontologies

These requirements as well as the Additional requirements for publishing ontologies below are identical to the information in the spreadsheet, that was attached to the email about the umbrella paper.

Ontology metadata

Requirement Description Prefered property Example
Title Title of the ontology dcterms:title
Author, Creator, Maintainer Identification of the creator(s) or maintainer(s) of the ontology. Wherever possible use an ORCID dcterms:creator <https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000>
Creation Date Date of creation of the ontology dcterms:created
Version Details about the version of the ontology, including updates and revisions. owl:versionInfo and owl:versionIRI
Ontology Description and Scope Clear and concise decription of the onotlogy and its scope. rdfs:comment
Project Identification of the projects creator(s) or maintainer(s) of the ontology. Include this in the rdfs:comment for "Ontology description and scope"
License Information about the licensing and usage rights of the ontology. If you have not thought about this before, we recommend to consider CC-BY-4.0 dcterms:license <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>
How to cite Provide a citation example for the ontology, e.g. a scientific paper you published about your ontology. dcterms:bibliographicCitation


Requirement Description Prefered property Example
Namespace A unique namespace for the ontology to avoid conflicts and ensure clear identification. https://w3id.org/pmd/new_ontology/
Dereferenceable IRIs Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) should be dereferenciable for easy access and reference, if you have the capabilities to do so.


Requirement Description Prefered property Example
Labels Label of the classes and properties rdfs:label or skos:prefLabel
Definitions Clear and concise definitions for all terms, concepts, and relationships within the ontology. rdfs:comment or skos:description

Additional requirements for publishing ontologies


Requirement Description Example
Documentation Comprehensive documentation covering the ontology's purpose, scope, and structure.
Accessibility Accessable through www, publicly available https://github.com/materialdigital/ontology_publication_template
Findability Already published via scientific journal or terminology service or ontology repo or similar


Requirement Description Example
Top-Level grounding To which top-level or mid-level is the ontology based on? BFO, EMMO, PMDco, etc
Concept reuse From which other ontologies are concepts reused? QUDT, CHEBI, etc.
Format Standards Serialize the ontology in RDF turtle. ttl
OWL Complexity Is the ontology OWL-DL conform or does it use other OWL variants

How to contribute

Please fork the repository and create a pull request after completing the following tasks

  1. Make sure your ontology/ontologies meet/s the requirements given in Technical requirements for ontologies and Additional requirements for publishing ontologies
  2. Place your ontology files in your projects folder (feel free to change the directory names, but please keep the links in README.md consistent)
  3. Edit the information in this README.md

Where to find help

If you have questions about your contribution HAP 4 is happy to help. Please get in touch by using the discussion of the pull requests tool or contact us directly. A minimal publication template for an ontology that fulfils the requirements mentioned above is provided in https://github.com/materialdigital/ontology_publication_template. You're welcome to use this as a template for your own work. It also includes automated production and publication of different serializations and of a html documentation.