
Change Hue lights when it's time to leave 🏃‍♂️

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bus Lights

Never wait for the bus again!

What is this?

This is a NodeJS app that will change the colour of a Hue light in your network when your next bus is nearby. Current rules:

  • If it's between 5 and 10 minutes away, green light
  • 10 - 15 minutes away, amber light
  • < 5 minutes away or > 15 minutes away, red light

As it relies on a third party API with rate-limits for the next bus information, it is configured to run on a cron schedule.

Get Started

Easiest way to run this application is through the provided docker image:

docker pull matttennison/bus-lights:latest
docker run --env-file .env matttennison/bus-lights:latest

It'll need to be running to update light values, so it makes sense to run on a always-on computer on your network like a Raspberry Pi (tutorial on setting up Docker on a Pi here: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-easy-way-to-set-up-docker-on-a-raspberry-pi-7d24ced073ef/).

To populate the .env file use the .env.example as a reference.

Configuration Values

Configuration values are supplied through environment variables.

Environment Variable Description
HUE_BRIDGE_IP_ADDRESS This is the IP Address of your Hue Bridge. Hue API docs have a good guide on finding it. Try this: https://discovery.meethue.com/
HUE_USERNAME You have to create an API user on your Hue bridge, instructions can be found on: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/get-started-2/
HUE_UNIQUE_LIGHT_ID The light you want to control. To find this make a GET request to /api//lights and look for the uniqueid key for your particular light.
TRANSPORT_API_APP_ID Sign up for a free personal developer account at https://www.transportapi.com/ and you'll get one.
CRON_SCHEDULE Schedule to run the update light job. E.g. '*/2 6-7 * * 1-5' to run every 2 minutes between 6 and 7am on weekdays. https://crontab.guru/ is a good resource to test your schedule.
BUS_STOP_ATCODE Each bus stop has an 'AtCode' to uniquely identify it. TransportAPI has some docs to help you find yours.
BUS_ROUTE Bus route you're interested in. This should line up with the bus route from TransportAPI, so make a GET request to /uk/bus/stop/{atcocode}/live.json and check.