
Non-biased AI-summarized news from primary sources.

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The Whole Elephant

Non-biased AI-summarized news from primary sources.

There's an old story about three blind men who come across an elephant. The first man feels the elephant's tail and says it's a rope. The second man feels the elephant's leg and says it's a tree. The third one feels the elephant's trunk and says it's a snake. In some versions of the story, the men cannot agree on their interpretations and come to blows.

In our modern day, staying informed on current events is like feeling an elephant. There is so much information coming from so many sources that it's impossible for one person to read and understand it all. We increasingly rely on news organizations and social media streams to help us interpret the world. However, each of these sources carries and amplifies its own biases, causing growing problems with information bubbles, political polarization, and misinformation.

We believe that AI can help solve these problems. Though a human can not read and understand the entire world's stream of information, an AI can. Furthermore, an AI can compare coverage of events across traditional news organizations and find biases and motivated reporting.

By making our code open-source, we hope to build a trustworthy platform that can help people see the whole elephant, and understand our world in a more complete way.