
Advent of Code 2019 attempts

Primary LanguageC#Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Advent of Code 2019

This repository includes various attempts I've made at the Advent of Code 2019 problems.

Note: This year, I'm really struggling to find time and motivation to work on AoC, so don't expect particularly fast or elegant solutions.

These solutions are in:

  • Typed Racket (.rkt): day 1
  • C# (.cs, in the AoC2019 solution folder, one project per day): day 2


The usage depends on the language:

  • For Racket solutions (.rkt), load the file into a REPL like DrRacket and run it. The file will describe, in comments, what the output means. Each day expects the input to be in a file dayX.txt, where X is the day in question.
  • For C# solutions (.cs), compile and/or run from the AoC2019.sln Visual Studio solution. Each day expects the input path to be given as the first argument.


All of this is available under the WTFPL. In short, just do what the fuck you want to with them.

Why so many languages?

Because I'm really bad at choosing one and sticking with it.