arrayName.append(newElement: Type)
: adds single element to arrayarrayName.append(contentsOf: Sequence)
: adds another array at the end of arrayNamearrayName.first(where: { CONDITION })
: takes first element in array that satisfies the condition- Ex:
let firstNegative = arrayOfNumbers.first(where: { $0 < 0 })
- Ex:
- Basically anonymous functions
- Code before
is like a function's parameters, code after is like a function's body- Can ignore
and() -> ()
if there's no parameters (remove everything beforein
- Can ignore
refers to 1st parameter,$1
refers to 2nd parameter, and so on- Swift can infer type
- Returning closures
func returnClosure() -> ((Int, Int) -> Int) { return {$0 + $1} }
- Call:
let varName = returnClosure()
, and thenvarName(5,5)
- Trailing closure
- If closure is last parameter in a func being called, can close off func like this:
funcName(int: 100) { $0 * 2 }
- If closure is last parameter in a func being called, can close off func like this:
- Functions can have default parameters
- Only uses value set for var when it's needed
- Auto Layout (cheat sheet)
- Anchors: efficient to pass them as array to activate/deactivate (
- Ex:
- Ex:
- For
, constant needs to be -ve- Ex:
viewName.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: parentView.bottomAnchor, constant: -10)
- Ex:
- Anchors: efficient to pass them as array to activate/deactivate (
- Content Hugging Priorities and Compression Resistance Priorities
- Drag and drop, live preview, cross platform (iOS/macOS/watchOS)
- VHZ Stacks
- Easy to extract views and reuse code (like instantiating objects)
- Optional: variable that holds either a value or no value (nil)
- Ex:
let myOptional: String?
can either be a string value or nil
- Ex:
- Force unwrapping: use
when confident that the variable will never be nil- Ex:
let text: String = myOptional!
, used becausemyOptional
will never be nil
- Ex:
- Optional Binding: checks to see variable is nil, then procedes if it's not
- Ex:
if let safeOptional = myOptional {...}
is the variable you want to check, andsafeOptional
is the temporary variable you use inside the if-block if it is indeed not nil
- Ex:
- Nil Coalescing Operator: defaults to value after
if variable before it is nil- Ex:
let text: String = myOptional ?? "Default Value"
will bemyOptional
if it's not nil, otherwise ifmyOptional
is nil thentext
will be "Default Value"
- Ex:
guard let
focuses on ideal path where variable is non-nil- Common at start of methods to verify conditions are correct upfront
- Use
if let
if you just want to unwrap some optionals, useguard let
if you’re specifically checking that conditions are correct before continuing - Variable in
if let
isn't in scope of subsequentelse
statement, needguard let
for that (used afterelse
inguard let
- Data structure that holds a group of values (can be different types)
- Ex:
let product = (name: "MacBook", price: 1099.99)
, to get "MacBook" you doproduct.0
and to get 1099.99 you doproduct.1
- Map: method that can transform a sequence of elements
- Ex:
let strings = ["one", "two", "three"]
,let ints = { $0.count }
would return[3,3,5]
- Can also use
for dictionaries to transform dictionary values (returns a dictionary)
- Ex:
provides methods needed to compare the identity and equality of 2 objects (need toimport IGListKit
- Search for Table View in Objects library
- Made up of Table View Cells (Prototype Cells)
- Need identifier
for when user taps on UITableView
- To improve UI
- Create new Cocoa Touch class (subclass of UITableViewCell, also create XIB file)
- Use this for Table View Cells' design
- Model: stores data, View: displays data, Controller: responds to user + manipulates model
- User uses controller, controller manipulates model, model sends data to view, view renders itself to user
- Advantages
- Well-known, separate responsibilities are clear, data flow is clear
- Disadvantages
- Controller ends up being huge, blurred separation of concerns, hard to test, leads to small views/models
- Model stores data that'll be displayed to user, View stores passive UI elements that forward user interaction, Presenter reads data from model + displays it in views
- Stack Overflow definition
- 30% transaction fee
- Tip: make app free to download and give user 80% of full functionality of app, then use paywall (in-app purchases) for advanced functionality like removing ads/premium features/etc.
- Need Apple Developer program and physical device to simulate in-app purchases
- App Store Connect
- Sandbox testers
- Capabilities --> In-App Purchase --> ON
import StoreKit
returns a booleanSKMutablePayment()
--> purchasing, purchased, failed, restored, deferred- UserDefaults are wiped clean if user gets new phone/updates iOS/etc., so a restore button is needed to check if a user has already purchased
- Allows you to load a pre-trained model and make predictions (no training, static, not encrypted)
- ML: Teaching a machine how to do something by training it over and over again
- Model is fed training data
- Supervised (loads of images with labels, like regression/classification) vs unsupervised (unlabelled, like clustering)
- Reinforcement learning: +ve and -ve rewards, like maximizing chess win chances by examining win probability after each move
- SceneKit (3D), SpriteKit (2D), Metal
- art.scnassets folder has cool spaceship
- Filter
- Reduce