Developer Portfolio
Hi ! It's my Portfolio created using React and TypeScript
How it works
live version:
Getting Started
- git clone
- npm install
- npm start - run the project
After finishing this orders you can display webpage on your device
Used technologies:
- Modern React with hooks - as a main library
- Styled components for styling
- React router - for routing
- Context
- Prettier and eslint for static code anlizing
Implemented solutions
Project architecture
Project is diveded on a few categories according to atomic design
- assets - global styles and assets
- components - smaller parts of code that build all views and main page
- views - all views that you can switch in navigation component
- root files: index.js,
- templates
- configuration files: eslint, gitigore, package.json etc.
- helpers - content data
- templates - reusable more complex molecules
- context - global state
How did I create this project?
Project was prepared based on CRA with some extra configurations and installed libraries
Plan for future dvelopment
Unit tests in progress...
Prettier and Eslint configuration
Project has implemented static code formaters
- Mateusz Grzejszczyk - Initial work -
Free licence