
It's the second diploma project which I prepared for my postgraduate studies "frontend with React". This project was prepared using modern React with Redux with available hooks. For styling I used a little of a material UI with custom styled components styling. Structure of the project is a standard React structure with divided on components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It's the second diploma project which I prepared for my postgraduate studies "frontend with React". This project was prepared using modern React with Redux with available hooks. For styling I used a little of a material UI with custom styled components styling. Structure of the project is a standard React structure divided on components.

How it works

Getting Started

  1. git clone
  2. npm install
  3. npm start - run the project

After finishing this orders you can display webpage on your device

Used technologies:

  1. Modern React with hooks - as a main library
  2. Redux with hooks - as a state management
  3. Material UI for styling
  4. Styled components for custom styling
  5. React lazy - for lazy loading images with spinner from React-loader-spinner
  6. React router - for routing
  7. Prettier and eslint for static code anlizing

Implemented solutions

  1. Routes /hot, /regular and /favourite
  2. Live filtering for mems (upvote - downvote > 5 ): HOT (upvote - downvote > 5) REGULAR (upvote - downvote <= 5) FAVOURITE - fav icon signed
  3. Simple menu for switching between sections
  4. Mem database in Redux store
  5. List of Mem components in grid - with scroll funcionality
  6. NavLink funcionality - clicked route has custom class
  7. Mem added to favourite
  8. Add new mem funcionality
    simple form validation:
  • fields can't be empty
  • default image
  • min and max value for votes
  1. Global styles

Project architecture

Project is diveded on a few categories

  1. assets - styles and all images
  2. components - smaller parts of code that build all views and main page components like navigation, modal, mem etc.
  3. reducers - initial redux state
  4. views - all views that you can switch in navigation component
  5. store - redux store
  6. root files: index.js,
  7. templates - material UI template - provide material UI styling with responsive app funcionality
  8. configuration files: eslint, gitigore, package.json etc.

How did I create this project?

Project was prepared based on my own React and Redux template with custom prettier and eslint configuration

Plan for future dvelopment

Unit tests in progress...

Prettier and Eslint configuration

Project has implemented static code formaters


  • Mateusz Grzejszczyk - Initial work -


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