Hi ! It's Portfolio created for Proffesional Physiotherapist
live version: https://blazej-fizjo2021.netlify.app/
- git clone
- npm install
- npm start - run the project
After finishing this orders you can display webpage on your device
Used technologies:
- Modern React with hooks - as a main library
- Styled components for styling
- React router - for routing
- Context
- Prettier and eslint for static code anlizing
Implemented solutions
Project is diveded on a few categories according to atomic design
- assets - global styles and assets
- components - smaller parts of code that build all views and main page
- views - all views that you can switch in navigation component
- root files: index.js,
- templates
- configuration files: eslint, gitigore, package.json etc.
- helpers - content data
- templates - reusable more complex molecules
- context - global state
Project was prepared based on CRA with some extra configurations and installed libraries
Unit tests in progress...
Project has implemented static code formaters
- Mateusz Grzejszczyk - Initial work -
Free licence