Hi! My name is Matteo, and I'm a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer @ Facile.it. This website is kind of a portfolio of the cool projects I do when work is off.
In the last years I used Google Cloud Platform on a daily basis, so I decided to write a series of articles about the whole lifecycle of a Machine Learning model on the AI Platform, from training to deployment.
- Training a model on Google’s AI Platform: how to train a model in Python using the AI Platform training jobs. It has a bit of steep learning curve since it is a mix of Python and bash codes, but it is very powerful and customizable!
- Tuning a model with Bayesian Optimization on Google AI Platform: how to find the best hyperparameters for your Machine Learning model. You can slightly change the code produced in the first article to make the AI Platform perform a Bayesian Optimization process and practically fine-tune your model.
- Deploy a Machine Learning Model on Google AI Platform: how to easily create a cloud service to query your trained ML model using the AI Platform Prediction service.
The goal of the project was to analyze historical data about Starbucks' app usage, in order to develop an algorithm that finds the most suiting offer type for each customer. I've worked on raw data, and performed all stages of model development, from problem framing to model evaluation. You can find the whole project on my Github repo, and in particular a summary of my work.
This is kind of a work in progress... I've always been a football fan, and wanted to do some cool stuff with football data. I discovered the Friends of Tracking Youtube channel with very interesting topics and pointers to open data, and I began to work on it. Right now, I'm working on the very basics: a viable Expected Goals model. It is a predictive model that, given all the featues of a particular shot, returns the probability that it will turn into a goal. This kind of model is the first brick to build other mathematical models, because it gives a measure of goodness of the style of play. Here you can find what I've done for now.